Om mit bibliotek
I'm using Your Library for all the books I've read, whether I own them or not. Using "Wish List" for recommendations from LibraryThing and "To Read" for books where I've read a review (typically from The NY Times Book Review, New Yorker, NY Review of Books and monthly Tattered Cover booklist). Just getting into tagging, will probably have to go back and retag everything!
About Me
Family lore says I learned to read before I learned to talk. Slight hyperbole, but only slight. I've always been a voracious reader; my car, like my bike earlier, automatically turns in the direction of the library when we head out. The book group I belong to has been meeting for over 30 years, alternating between fiction and non-fiction, best-sellers and classics. My favorites are classics, literary fiction, mysteries and thrillers, books by women authors. Also read lots of non-fiction, including history, social issues, psychology, biographies, memoirs, natural history. Lately reading a lot of what I call "footnotes to history" - fascinating lives, odd incidents - that prove truth is stronger than fiction.
Watertown, MA


Interessant bibliotek