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Feb 3, 2006
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Om mit bibliotek
Books weigh a lot.

I have a fondness for history and art books. I had no idea I have as many poetry books as I do. Since I loathe most poetry, it's rather amusing.

Sadly, most of my "library" is boxed up and in storage in Connecticut. Once I'm legally allowed to live here, the books will be transported up to Canada (at which point I'll be able to add the rest of my books to LibraryThing). I miss them!

Missing Books
Many of the books I read when younger belong either to my parents' library or my ex-husband's library so they are, sadly, missing here. When I'm wealthy (ha!), I'll replace all of the ones I loved reading. However, I've already cheated and added some of my favourite books ("books to replace") simply because I love them so much and they're so much a part of who I am that I needed them as part of my collection here (otherwise, how can you possibly get an accurate picture of Me?!). I'll be adding more as I remember them.

I find it interesting that at least three of my favourite authors started out as doctors: Mikhail Bulgakov, Louis-Ferdinand Celine, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Other famous authors who started out as doctors are Carlo Levi, Michael Crichton, W. Somerset Maugham, Anton Chekov, and William Carlos Williams. Some, like Oliver Sachs and Albert Schweitzer, remained doctors while contributing to literature. If you know of others, please tell me! (I find this quite fascinating!)

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Om mig
I'm a raving Anglophile and a passionate, although amateur, gardener. I also love tea and Connecticut, my birthplace and previous home.

"If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need."

The Red Room
I would be very grateful if people would stop posting derogatory speculation about this private group. Why is our privacy such an issue? I honestly don't understand why it's necessary for every group on LT to be available for everyone's perusal. Maybe I'm a fool but I expect more maturity from readers. We post a lot because we have a lot to talk about. The group is private mainly because we wanted to keep it small and personal. We don't have negative discussions about other groups or other LTers. I would be grateful if the same courtesy was extended to us. If you have questions about the group, feel free to post a comment and I will answer as well as I am able.

My movie list on IMDB.
Ontario, Canada (formerly of Connecticut)
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