Personer/FigurerWilliam Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury

People/Characters by cover

Værker (24)

Archbishop Laud, 1573-1645 af Hugh Trevor-Roper
The Bodleian Library: A Subject Guide to the Collections af Gregory Walker
Britain in Revolution: 1625-1660 af Austin Woolrych
Builders of the Bay Colony af Samuel Eliot Morison
Characters of the Reformation: historical portraits of 23 men and women and their place in the great religious revolution of the 16th century af Hilaire Belloc
A Conversation with a Cat and Others af Hilaire Belloc
Cromwell, Our Chief of Men af Antonia Fraser
The early Stuarts, 1603-1660 af Godfrey Davies
The English Civil War: A People's History af Diane Purkiss
God's Englishman: Oliver Cromwell and the English Revolution af Christopher Hill
Great Tales from English History Omnibus af Robert Lacey
In the Beginning: The Story of the King James Bible and How It Changed a Nation, a Language, and a Culture af Alister McGrath
Jeremy Taylor: Selected Works af Jeremy Taylor
King Charles I af Pauline Gregg
The New World af Winston S. Churchill
Our Great Heritage Volume 3 af Lyle W. Langep 634-638
The Personal Rule of Charles I af Kevin Sharpe
A Radical History of Britain: Visionaries, Rebels and Revolutionaries - The Men and Women Who Fought for Our Freedoms af Edward Vallance
Reformation : Europe's house divided : 1490-1700 af Diarmaid MacCulloch
Reformation and Revolution, 1558-1660 af Robert Ashton
The Stuart Constitution, 1603-1688: Documents and Commentary af J. P. Kenyon
Stuart England af J. P. Kenyon
The Tower of London in the History of England af A. L. Rowse
Virtual History: Alternatives and Counterfactuals af Niall Ferguson