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Peter Linebaugh is a child of empire, schooled in London; Cattaraugus, NY; Washington, DC; Bonn; and Karachi. He went to Swarthmore College during the civil rights days. He has taught at Harvard University and Attica Penitentiary, at New York University and the Federal Penitentiary in Marion, vis mere Illinois. He used to edit Zerowork and was a member of the Midnight Notes Collective. He coauthored Albion's Fatal Tree and The Many-Headed Hydra and is the author of The London Hanged, The Magna Carta Manifesto, Stop, Thief!, and introductions to Verso's selection of Thomas Paine's writings and PM's edition of E.R Thompson's William Morris: Romantic to Revolutionary. He lives in the region of the Great Lakes. The final essay in this new collection constituted his retirement speech from the University of Toledo in Ohio. vis mindre

Omfatter også følgende navne: P Linebaugh, Peter Linebaugh, Peter Linebaugh Ph.D.

Værker af Peter Linebaugh

Associated Works

The Rights of Man and Common Sense (1992) — Introduktion, nogle udgaver330 eksemplarer
Re-Enchanting the World: Feminism and the Politics of the Commons (2018) — Forord, nogle udgaver106 eksemplarer
Gone to Croatan: Origins of North American Dropout Culture (1994) — Bidragyder — 102 eksemplarer

Satte nøgleord på

Almen Viden

Toledo, Ohio, USA
University of Warwick (Ph.D|1975)
Columbia University
Swarthmore College
University of Toledo
Kort biografi
Peter Linebaugh, Professor, a student of E.P. Thompson, received his Ph.D. in British history from the University of Warwick in 1975. A graduate of Swarthmore and of Columbia, he taught at Rochester, New York University, University of Massachusetts-Boston, Harvard and Tufts before joining The University of Toledo in 1994. Grants from the Max Planck Institute in Göttingen and from the Fulbright and Mellon fellowship programs have supported his research.

Peter Linebaugh is currently at work on a study of an Irish insurrectionary during ‘the great transformation’ of the Atlantic revolutions.

Professor Linebaugh is the author of The Magna Carta Manifesto blog: magnacartamanifesto.blogspot.com




Un libro da leggere da chi, per qual si voglia motivo, voglia comprendere come è nato il mondo moderno. Spesso la fiumana del progresso ha travolto affascinanti culture libertarie e solidali.
martinoalbonetti | 6 andre anmeldelser | Dec 8, 2023 |
El 21 de febrero de 1803, el coronel Ed­ward (Ned) Marcus Despard fue ahorca­do y decapitado en Londres ante una mul­titud de 20.000 personas por organizar una conspiración revolucionaria para de­rrocar al rey Jorge III. Catherine (Kate), su esposa de origen caribeño y raza negra, le ayudó a escribir el discurso que pronun­ció desde el patíbulo, en el que se procla­maba amigo de los pobres y los oprimidos. En él expresó también su confianza en que «los principios de la libertad, la humani­dad y la justicia triunfarán finalmente so­bre la falsedad, la tiranía y el engaño».

Y sin embargo el mundo giró. Desde los sucesos de las revoluciones estadouni­dense, francesa y haitiana, y la fallida re­volución irlandesa, conectadas entre sí, al nacimiento del Antropoceno en medio de los cercamientos, el belicoso capitalis­mo global, las plantaciones con trabajo esclavo y la producción con máquinas en las fábricas, Roja esfera ardiente introduce a los lectores en el momento crucial de los dos últimos milenios. Esta historia mo­numental ofrece, con gran riqueza de de­talle, una crónica extensa de la resistencia a la desaparición de los regímenes comu­nales. El extraordinario relato de Peter Linebaugh recupera el heroísmo de redes extensas de resistentes soterrados que, de­safiando a la muerte, lucharon contra la privatización de lo común impuesta por dos entidades políticas nuevas, Estados Unidos y Reino Unido, que, ahora sabe­mos, seguirían desposeyendo a personas de todo el mundo hasta la actualidad. Roja esfera ardiente es la culminación de toda una vida dedicada a la investigación, condensada en un épico relato de amor.
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meltxor | 1 anden anmeldelse | Oct 18, 2022 |
You can never accuse Peter Linebaugh of not being exceptionally thorough. You know that he has tracked down, read and contextualised every document of even tangential relevance to his topic. And yet, if the documents weren't written, there is not a lot the historian can do but imagine. So the central characters of Ned and Catherine Despard do not come to life; something is known of the actions of Ned Despard, Irishman, soldier, revolutionary before he ended his life on the gallows, but little is known of his personality or character. Even less is known of his wife Catherine, other than she was black or creole and from the New World. How, where and why they met is unknown - less still of any element of their relationship

So this is not really their story, this is a story with them as symbols. Linebaugh is excellent on closure - no reader is likely to forget the verse that sums it up:

"The law locks up the man or woman
Who steals the goose from off the common
But leaves the greater villain loose
Who steals the common from off the goose"

He is as every excellent on the use of hanging and transportation as a tool of class terror, and of the condition of the prisons. As social history, its excellent. But his main characters do not reveal themselves and the narrative loses its flow in places, attempting to bring them to the fore.
… (mere)
Opinionated | 1 anden anmeldelse | Apr 12, 2020 |



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