1816: Charlotte Brontë - Resources and General Discussion

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1816: Charlotte Brontë - Resources and General Discussion

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jan 28, 2016, 8:27 am

Charlotte Brontë (1816 – 1855)

Charlotte Brontë was an English novelist and poet, the eldest of the three Brontë sisters who survived into adulthood and whose novels have become classics of English literature. She first published her works (including her best known novel, Jane Eyre) under the pen name Currer Bell.


Jane Eyre (1847)
Shirley (1849)
Villette (1853)
The Professor (1857)


Tales of Angria (written 1838–1839 – a collection of childhood and young adult writings including five short novels)

jan 28, 2016, 10:41 am

Thanks for doing all these edwin.

An older (1988) biography of Charlotte Bronte, but still an excellent one is

The touchstone was not working, but as you can see, the biography is by Rebecca Fraser. A more contemporary biographer was Elizabeth Gaskell and Harold Bloom among scores of others has also written of her.

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