Coetzee in November

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Coetzee in November

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nov 24, 2015, 9:04 am

I just read Waiting for the barbarians. At least now I know never to read any of his books again.

nov 28, 2015, 2:56 am

Tough going, wasn't it. I read it as well. I had the Sam feeling after I read Disgrace. I decided to use this month to read up his books on the 1001 list. I read Waiting for Barbarians, Dusklands and In the Heart of the Country. Also three were rather brutal.

I think my favourite book of his is still Foe, based around the story of Robinson Crusoe.

nov 28, 2015, 3:06 am

Between the torture scenes and the way all the sex was just oriented towards trying to satisfy him, totally dehumanizing the women - was there anything else in the book? I should know better than to read something that wins literature prizes.

nov 28, 2015, 2:48 pm

I have been reading books from the 1001 Books lift, there are a number that are like this. Books that are incredibly uncomfortable to read - mostly written by men with women in similar positions. I have decided to dedicate a chunk of next year to reading great female writers instead.