YA girl taken into magic carnival by hot demon guy in love with her

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YA girl taken into magic carnival by hot demon guy in love with her

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jul 26, 2012, 10:49 pm

This is actually a sequal. In the first book the "guy" takes her into a dollhouse world but she ends up beating him and escaping. I can't remember what this guy was....I think a demon because I seem to remember he wasn't human, but he was hot and had magical powers. Might have been a king or leader of his kind. She is in her late teens.

In this book she ends up in a magic carnival world. He brought her there to give her challenges or something, as he is in love with her but a bad guy. There is a scene on a "river of love" kind of boat ride. There is also a machine where you pay to have an anamatronic figure give you your fortune, and it ends up being a relative of hers (uncle?) that the guy had transformed.

I read this in the late 90s to about 2002. Paper back, maybe 200 pages. Cover had a drawing of his face and maybe a couple girls.

Redigeret: jul 27, 2012, 2:02 am

Definitely 'The Forbidden Game' trilogy by L J Smith.
The boy is called Julian. It starts when he sells her a weird board-game, and when she plays it with her friends they all end up in this weird world; and have to figure out how to get out.
It is available as a bind-up, or the separate books are
The Hunter
The Chase
The Kill

jul 27, 2012, 7:38 am

The Touchstones in post #2 do not go to L J Smith's books.

The Hunter
The Chase
The Kill

jul 27, 2012, 10:30 am

Sueelleker and isabelx, thank you so much! I actually teared up when I saw the answer...I have been wondering about this for years! Thanks!