Tidlige AnmeldereDouglas Feavel

LibraryThing author page

January 2017 Sending

Giveaway Ended: January 30 at 06:00 pm EST

This inspiring book is filled with unforgettable people who challenged and changed their world in remarkable and admirable ways. You’ll be introduced to personalities who are living and historical, familiar and unknown, domestic and foreign. Prepare to meet pilots, farmers, missionaries, engineers, martyrs, businessmen, pioneers, presidents, soldiers, writers, and scientists – whose shared motivations become a part of us and our heritage. Together they answer the pertinent questions of our time: What makes a genuine hero? Why is a hero’s life worth understanding? How does a hero personify favorable character? Each story will find its special place in head and heart – dwelling there to influence the critical choices ahead of us. Each page advocates making a positive impact on others and mastering the days we are given. Readers depart with an abiding conviction of the real difference one committed life will make. No matter our past or where we find ourselves today, we will be inspired to finish well. These are the tales told with zest; these are the tales you will long treasure. Enjoy the dynamic portraits; then share them in family, church, workplace, ministry and educational settings, because that’s how they began, and that’s why they were written.
Tilbudt af
Aneko Press (Forlag)
Book InformationLibraryThing Work Page
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