National Book Critics Circle Award

Given by National Book Critics Circle

Andre Navne: John Leonard Award (Engelsk), National Book Critics Circle Award finalist (Engelsk)
13 Works 1,545,408 Bøger 42,015 Reviews ½ 4.0
The National Book Critics Circle, founded in 1974, is a non-profit organization consisting of more than 900 active book reviewers who are interested in honoring quality writing and communicating vis mere with one another about common concerns... The centerpiece of NBCC activities is the annual awards for the best book in six categories: autobiography, biography, criticism, fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.


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Alle, Winner (276), Finalist (1,264)
marts 21: Winner2023 Nyeste
januar 25: Finalist2023 Nyeste


The National Book Critics Circle, founded in 1974, is a non-profit organization consisting of more than 900 active book reviewers who are interested in honoring quality writing and communicating with one another about common concerns... The centerpiece of NBCC activities is the annual awards for the best book in six categories: autobiography, biography, criticism, fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.



(English, Member-written)
The National Book Critics Circle, founded in 1974, is a non-profit organization consisting of more than 900 active book reviewers who are interested in honoring quality writing and communicating with one another about common concerns... The centerpiece of NBCC activities is the annual awards for the best book in six categories: autobiography, biography, criticism, fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.



(English, Member-written)