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Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (1926–2004)

Forfatter af Døden og den døende

60+ Works 8,402 Members 116 Reviews 6 Favorited

Om forfatteren

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross was a psychiatrist with a particular interest in end-of-life care. Especially interested in the care of dying patients, she researched their attitudes to death.

Værker af Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Døden og den døende (1969) 3,408 eksemplarer
Death: The Final Stage of Growth (1975) 992 eksemplarer
On Life After Death (1985) 459 eksemplarer
Living with Death and Dying (1981) 293 eksemplarer
On Children and Death (1983) 274 eksemplarer
To Live Until We Say Good-Bye (1656) 231 eksemplarer
AIDS: The Ultimate Challenge (1987) 173 eksemplarer
Remember the Secret (1982) 98 eksemplarer
Working It Through (1982) 83 eksemplarer
Is There Life After Death? (2005) 16 eksemplarer
A letter to a child with cancer (1978) 12 eksemplarer
The Cocoon & the Butterfly (1997) 6 eksemplarer
Woorden die sterken en troosten (1994) 6 eksemplarer
Healing in Our Time (1997) 4 eksemplarer
Say Yes To It (1997) 3 eksemplarer
Sehnsucht nach Hause (1997) 3 eksemplarer
Leben bis wir Abschied nehmen (1979) 3 eksemplarer
Images of growth and death (1979) 2 eksemplarer
The Meaning of Our Suffering (1997) 2 eksemplarer
Wie mein Leben Erfüllung findet (2006) 2 eksemplarer
Verbinden en heelmaken 2 eksemplarer
Dialogues on Death and Dying (1991) 2 eksemplarer
Real Taste of Life Journal (2002) 2 eksemplarer
Muerte, La (2014) 1 eksemplar
Wie Sie Wurde Wer Sie Ist (1981) 1 eksemplar
Stages of dying 1 eksemplar

Associated Works

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Almen Viden

Kanonisk navn
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth
Juridisk navn
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth
Switzerland (birth)
Zurich, Switzerland
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
Zurich, Switzerland (birth)
USA (from 1958)
University of Zurich Medical School, Switzerland ( [1957])
University of Colorado ( [1963])
Priser og hædersbevisninger
National Women's Hall of Fame (2007)
Twenty honorary degrees from various institutions around the world.
Kort biografi
Elisabeth Kübler was born one of identical triplets. She wanted to become a physician and worked as a hospital volunteer during World War II. She graduated from the University of Zurich in 1957. In 1958, she married Emanuel "Manny" Ross, a fellow medical student from the USA, and the couple moved to America, where she remained the rest of her life. Dr.
Kübler-Ross established herself in psychiatric practice, and was later appointed assistant professor at the University of Chicago Medical School. Her treatment of terminally ill patients, as well as her dismay over the lack of courses addressing death and dying in medical schools, led her to conduct research that became her famous work, On Death and Dying (1969). Her Kübler-Ross model, also known as The Five Stages of Loss, was widely accepted and revolutionized how the medical professions take care of the terminally ill today.



To live until we say good-bye (1978)
betty_s | Oct 1, 2023 |
Over a period of having lost my first son aged 19, then my wife aged 72 and finally my other son aged 38 I desperately needed help with the grieving process. This book gave me that template for understanding the various levels of grief and how people deal and benefit from good, simple and practical examples. It will serve as template I can reuse when the going gets tough and I need further help.
imyknott | 19 andre anmeldelser | Jul 23, 2023 |
It would be a great thing if everyone read this book. Chock full of wise words.
Andy5185 | 9 andre anmeldelser | Jul 9, 2023 |
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s On Life After Death is a concise primer on the dying. The author a psychiatrist at the University of Chicago explained the stages a patient goes through while dying. She reported that as people die, they shed what she described as their cocoon – their outer shell.
This process Kübler-Ross emphasized take the form of leaving their cocoon like a butterfly, and transforming into an ethereal state. With this consciousness an individual can witness the events of his death. He will know details of the operation room, and the doctors that are endeavoring to save his life.
These phenomena have repercussions for individuals who have had near-death experiences. The author pointed out that handicap people whether they are blind or amputees come to experience bodies that are completely rejuvenated when they encounter that brilliant light that they often describe.
Kübler-Ross explained as people transit to their ethereal bodies they will normally go through a channel, cross a bridge, or be guided across a mountain pass. On this journey there is a “guardian angel” or “guide.” This individual the author considered to be a religious figure like Christ, Mary, Mohamed, or a spouse, or good friend who has previously died. In death it does not matter if an individual is religious or non-religious. He or she will experience this same reality.
The author hopes that her audience will be able to look at death as a normal phenomenon. She suggested listening to the dying, and providing an environment that facilitates for the smooth transition to the other world.
… (mere)
erwinkennythomas | 15 andre anmeldelser | Jul 7, 2023 |



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