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Skinny Legs and All (1990)

af Tom Robbins

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4,393462,707 (4.03)55
Fiction. Literature. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:An Arab and a Jew open a restaurant together across the street from the United Nations....

It sounds like the beginning of an ethnic joke, but it's the axis around which spins this gutsy, fun-loving, and alarmingly provocative novel, in which a bean can philosophizes, a dessert spoon mystifies, a young waitress takes on the New York art world, and a rowdy redneck welder discovers the lost god of Palestine—while the illusions that obscure humanity's view of the true universe fall away, one by one, like Salome's veils.

Skinny Legs and All deals with today's most sensitive issues: race, politics, marriage, art, religion, money, and lust.  It weaves lyrically through what some call the "end days" of our planet.  Refusing to avert its gaze from the horrors of the apocalypse, it also refuses to let the alleged end of the world spoil its mood.  And its mood is defiantly upbeat.

In the gloriously inventive Tom Robbins style, here are...
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See the review of 'Even Cowgirls Get the Blues'. ( )
  mykl-s | Aug 13, 2023 |
DNF at p62 because it was due at the library and so far all it involved was sex, sexualizing, some objectification, and more sex, and y'know, I'm just not that interested.
  whakaora | Mar 5, 2023 |
I was assigned this book to read for my Humanities 130 class, about world’s religions a few semesters ago, and despite the fact that it too me nearly a year to finally get al the way through it, I wish that I had finished it during that semester, because my paper on it would have been so much better. But obviously I’m not meaning to talk about school.

This book is absolutely fantastic. I was sceptical about it to begin with, partly because one of the positive reviews on the back was from Playboy. Also, its unconventional and odd and eccentric… But it’s also beautiful. It’s surprisingly insightful and absolutely poetic. Tom Robbins is brilliant, and while I’m scared to say that I want to read more of his books in fear of being let down by them, I certainly intend to try.

This book is about a thousand different things. Its about art and beauty and sex. Its about religion and spirituality. Its about racism and toleration and j life. I really have no complaints about this book, I have nothing bad to say about it, and unless you have a problem with poetic imagery, brilliance, and intelligent ideas (and a few references to sex, but its not exactly dirty), I would completely suggest reading this one. Its so different, and I feel like I keep saying it, but it is beautiful.
( )
1 stem KaffinatedWitch | Oct 15, 2021 |
Middle East and Goddess worship, plight of artist, Painted Stick, Counch, Can of Beans, Spoon & Dirty Sock
  ritaer | May 29, 2020 |
Ein Jude und ein Araber eröffnen gemeinsam ein Restaurant gegenüber dem New Yorker UNO-Gebäude. Da solch ein Ort der Völkerverständigung militanten Fundamentalisten aller Seiten ein Dorn im Auge sein muß, gehen bald die Bomendrohungen ein ...
  Fredo68 | May 18, 2020 |
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Fiction. Literature. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:An Arab and a Jew open a restaurant together across the street from the United Nations....

It sounds like the beginning of an ethnic joke, but it's the axis around which spins this gutsy, fun-loving, and alarmingly provocative novel, in which a bean can philosophizes, a dessert spoon mystifies, a young waitress takes on the New York art world, and a rowdy redneck welder discovers the lost god of Palestine—while the illusions that obscure humanity's view of the true universe fall away, one by one, like Salome's veils.

Skinny Legs and All deals with today's most sensitive issues: race, politics, marriage, art, religion, money, and lust.  It weaves lyrically through what some call the "end days" of our planet.  Refusing to avert its gaze from the horrors of the apocalypse, it also refuses to let the alleged end of the world spoil its mood.  And its mood is defiantly upbeat.

In the gloriously inventive Tom Robbins style, here are...

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