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Tågen og andre noveller (1985)

af Stephen King

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8,431771,032 (3.8)166
Noveller med temaer fra hele forfatterskabet. Her er gysere med og uden overnaturligt islæt, beretninger om mennesker i ekstreme situationer, om utilpassede unge, kloge og dumme forbrydere samt om fantaster og gale videnskabsmænd.

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Viser 1-5 af 77 (næste | vis alle)
This one is one of my personal favorites. First read this years ago as a preteen and I've never gotten tired of it yet. Stephen King is an amazing storywriter. ( )
  MoonlyteRose | Jun 25, 2024 |
Ehhhh. It's a decent short story, but it felt dated and the characters were flat. ( )
  zeronetwo | May 14, 2024 |
#790 in our old book database. Not rated.
  villemezbrown | Apr 25, 2024 |
Stephen King, imo, is one of the best storytellers - a master. I much prefer a novel to short stories but if written by King I will read them all. A lot of people don’t like spooky stories but they are missing out on such good reading. ( )
  mazda502001 | Sep 13, 2023 |
I was very unsure on how I would rate this one, for I found the two poems to be pretty dull and really hated "Mrs. Todd's Shortcut". But how about the rest? Well, it's so good I can't restrain myself from giving 5 stars.
Writing an accurate review for each individual story would be a real headache. Still, I decided to spend a "few" words on a handful of them.

I've had already read "The Mist" a month a go and have to say this second round made me appreciate it even more.
The story begins with a violent thunderstorm that knocks out power in the town of Bridgton. The next morning, David Drayton heads to the grocery store with his young son to stock up on supplies.
A thick mist rolls in from the nearby lake, obscuring everything beyond a few feet. As more and more people seek refuge in the store, tensions rise. Some believe they should stay put and wait for rescue, while others want to venture out into the mist to find help or escape. As they debate their options, it becomes clear that something sinister is lurking outside.
King's writing is masterful in its ability to create tension and suspense. The claustrophobic atmosphere of the store as people huddle together for safety is palpable. The fear and paranoia that grip the characters are contagious, making it impossible not to feel on edge while reading.
What makes "The Mist" so effective is not just its monsters, but also its exploration of human nature under extreme circumstances. As resources dwindle and hope fades, some characters become desperate and turn on each other. Others cling to their faith or try to maintain their humanity even as they face unimaginable horrors.

"The Raft" is probably one of the best short story King has ever written.
Four college students decide to swim out to a raft on a remote lake. However, when they reach the raft, they discover that something deadly lurks beneath the water's surface. As night falls and temperatures drop, things take a turn for the worse.
One of King's greatest strengths as a writer is his ability to create vivid characters who feel like real people rather than just plot devices; in this story, he does an excellent job of establishing the personalities and relationships of the four friends, which makes their plight all the more harrowing.
Another aspect that stands out is its use of setting. The remote lake feels like a character in its own right, with its eerie stillness and sense of isolation adding to the overall sense of dread.
"The Raft" is a classic Stephen King story that showcases his ability to create tension and terror in even the most mundane settings.

"Survivor Type" is the most gruesome story of the lot.
King explores the limits of human endurance and the dark side of survival instinct. The story is written as the diary of Richard Pine, a former surgeon who is shipwrecked on a tiny island in the Pacific with no food, water, or hope of rescue.
He reveals in his diary entries that he was smuggling heroin on a cruise ship when it exploded and sank, and that he has a history of malpractice and corruption in his medical career. He blames everyone else for his misfortunes and vows to get revenge on those who wronged him. Pine's only companions on the island are his logbook, his surgical kit, and his stash of heroin. He tries to survive by eating whatever he can find: insects, seaweed, seagulls. But soon he runs out of options and faces starvation.
As the situation becomes more dire, he begins to lose touch with reality and becomes increasingly delusional.
How far would you go to survive?

"Gramma" is truly terrifying. It plays on our fears about family relationships. We're taught from a young age that we should love and respect our elders no matter what they do, but what happens when that love and respect is misplaced? George loves his grandmother, but he's also afraid of her. He knows that something is wrong, but he doesn't want to believe that his own flesh and blood could be capable of such evil.
This one scared me so much I had to turn the lights on.

"The Monkey" is one of my all time favorites.
It follows Hal, a man who has been haunted by a toy monkey since he was a child. He inherited the toy from his father, who was a merchant mariner and disappeared mysteriously. Hal suspects that the monkey had something to do with his father's fate. It seems to have a life of its own and begins to wreck havoc on Hal's family, as every time the toy claps its cymbals a tragedy occurs. He tried to get rid of the monkey several times, but it would always came back to him somehow.
The tension in the story builds steadily, with each new incident involving the monkey becoming more terrifying than the last.
A classic example of King's ability to create suspense and terror with simple objects and situations, the story explores themes such as childhood trauma, family bonds, guilt and fate. It also shows how something innocent and playful can turn into something sinister and deadly.

"Beachworld" is an eerie tale taking place on an uncharted planet made of sand, where two astronauts crash-land with no hope of rescue. As they struggle to survive in this hostile environment, they begin to realize that something is not quite right about their surroundings.
As the story progresses, it becomes clear that there is something sinister at work, as the sand seems to be a sentient entity that wants nothing more than to consume everything in its path.
This story shows how a seemingly harmless environment can become a deadly trap for those who succumb to its allure. ( )
  alexm00dy | Jul 2, 2023 |
Viser 1-5 af 77 (næste | vis alle)
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Forfatter navnRolleHvilken slags forfatterVærk?Status
King, Stephenprimær forfatteralle udgaverbekræftet
Blanco, FranciscoOversættermedforfatternogle udgaverbekræftet
Brown, ChristopherIllustratormedforfatternogle udgaverbekræftet
Dobner, TullioOversættermedforfatternogle udgaverbekræftet
Körber, JoachimOversættermedforfatternogle udgaverbekræftet
King, TabithaFotografmedforfatternogle udgaverbekræftet
Pressé, MichèleOversættermedforfatternogle udgaverbekræftet
Quadruppani, SergeOversættermedforfatternogle udgaverbekræftet
Tamminen, TapioOversættermedforfatternogle udgaverbekræftet
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I'm your boogie man, that's what I am, and I'm here to do whatever I can... -- K.C. and the Sunshine Band
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This book is for Arthur and Joyce Greene
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Wait--just a few minutes. I want to talk to you...and then I am going to kiss you. Wait... [Introduction]
This is what happened.
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Some versions may be titled The Ballad of the Flexible Bullet but it may also be a separate short story or short story collection.

Please don't combine witch "Im Morgengrauen" or "Der Gesang der Toten" or "der Fornit"! These are only a part of Skeleton Crew
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