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Fan the Flames

af Michele Dunaway

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622,694,589 (3)Ingen
Former Navy SEAL turned marine rescue firefighter Brad Silverman is tasked with his toughest mission yet: taking care of his best friend's wife. The only problem is that Scarlett Harrison has always been the one-the one who got away, the one who held his heart, and the one who has always been off limits... Now widowed Scarlett returns to her childhood home in St. Louis, determined to get her life back on track. She misses her husband but can't fight the attraction she feels for sexy fireman Brad. As she spends more time with him, the connection they have had since high school grows stronger. Are they finally ready to overcome their pasts and lose their hearts to each other?… (mere)
Nyligt tilføjet afLashea677, KimSalyers, Bette_Hansen

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A promise to a friend becomes more than two friends imagined. Scarlett and Brad are each dealing with lost. Fulfilling his promise to Scarlett's husband and Brad's friend to look after his family should have been a no brainer. However it's proving harder to do when attraction starts to take hold. With guilt, lust, anger and pain boiling to the surface will Brad be able to keep his promise? Or will he hurt the people that are starting to mean the most to him and walk away? With Fan the Flames I already knew how the story would turn out halfway through it. A good story without any surprises. I received an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review. ( )
  Lashea677 | Feb 16, 2019 |
This was an OK read for me. Nothing really wrong with it but this storyline has been repeated a lot lately and there wasn't anything that really made this one stand out. Scarlett and her young daughter Colleen return to St. Louis two years after losing her husband in a SEAL mission gone wrong. Her husband's best friend Brad has arranged a place for them to live while she gets herself back on her feet. It's the least he can do after promising Todd he would look after them if anything where to happen. Problem is he is attracted to her. Always has been but now, Todd isn't between them. Or is he??

The book is well written and the story has a great pace so I would recommend it. ( )
  Bette_Hansen | Nov 3, 2015 |
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Former Navy SEAL turned marine rescue firefighter Brad Silverman is tasked with his toughest mission yet: taking care of his best friend's wife. The only problem is that Scarlett Harrison has always been the one-the one who got away, the one who held his heart, and the one who has always been off limits... Now widowed Scarlett returns to her childhood home in St. Louis, determined to get her life back on track. She misses her husband but can't fight the attraction she feels for sexy fireman Brad. As she spends more time with him, the connection they have had since high school grows stronger. Are they finally ready to overcome their pasts and lose their hearts to each other?

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