Crazy Monic'a challenge (crazy4reading)

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Crazy Monic'a challenge (crazy4reading)

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Redigeret: okt 12, 2009, 8:38 pm

Well I just wanted to start my thread. I haven't exactly decided on how I am going to do this challenge. I am thinking about doing both the author's last name and the books title. I just want to expand my reading choices along with my habits. Look for more information soon.

I just noticed that I spelled my name wrong... Oh well. It is suppose to read Crazy Monica's challenge..

Well I have decided to do both challenges for the alphabet challenge. I plan to read books whose title start with the letter and also the author's last name. I am going to start now. I don't plan to use books for both. If I am using it for the authors I won't use it for the title.

Redigeret: nov 11, 2011, 7:21 pm

List of books by Title

A ~ Act Like a Gentleman, Think Like a Woman by Maria Bustillos
B ~ The Broken Blue Line by Connie Dial
C ~ Club Dead by Charlaine Harris
D ~ Die Smart by Kathy Lane
E ~ The Elves and the Shoemaker
F ~ Flash Terminal Velocity by Mark Waid
G ~ Girl Interrupted by Sussana Kaysen
H ~Highland Hearts by Virginia Brown
I ~ In Harm's Way by Ridley Pearson
K ~ King Lear by William Shakespeare
L ~The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
M ~ Manatee Winter by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld
N ~ Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn
O ~ Outside Wonderland by Lorna Jane Cook
P ~ The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
R ~ Richard Scarry by Richard Scarry
S ~ Sylvia, Rachel, Meredith, Anna by Robert Slentz-Kesler
T ~ ttyl by Lauren Myracle
U ~ The Ugly Duckling by Landoll
V ~ Very Bad Men by Harry Dolan
W ~ What's for Lunch by John Schindel
Z ~ The Zookeeper's Wife by Diane Ackerman

Redigeret: jul 22, 2011, 11:43 am

List by Author's last name:

A ~ Adamson, Gil The Outlander
B ~ Byrne, Rhonda The Secret
C ~ Clark, Carol Higgins Snagged
D ~ Danziger, Paula Forever Amber Brown
E ~ Elton, Ben Blind Faith
F ~ Ford, Jamie Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet
G ~ Gerritson, Tess The Surgeon
H ~ Hug, Robert You Did it for me: Friendship and Kindness
J ~ Johansen, Iris Final Target
K ~ Kava, Alex Damaged
L ~ Lopez, Steve The Soloist
M ~ Milne, A.A Pooh Goes Visiting
N ~ Notaro, Laurie The Idiot Girls' Action-Adventure Club by Laurie Notaro
O ~ Owen, Howard The Reckoning
P ~ Powell, Julie Julie and Julia
R ~ Rosnay, Tatiana de Sarah's Key
S ~ Shreve, Anita Testimony
T ~Tanaka, Shelley Attack on Pearl Harbor
V ~ Van Draanen Sammy Keyes and the Skeleton Man
W ~ Webber, Heather Truly, Madly: A Novel
Y ~ Young, Thomas M. Silent Enemy
Z ~ Zusak, Markus The Book Thief

okt 13, 2009, 6:33 am

Welcome Monic'a! I rather like the look of that error.
Anyway, good luck with your challenges and have a great time with it.

okt 13, 2009, 6:48 am

Hello, good luck, and happy reading!

okt 13, 2009, 8:43 am

Carmenere, I too like the look of the error when I noticed it. I may just start signing my name that way. Thank for the good luck wishes and good luck to you too.

Hi Ellie!! Nice of you to stop by. Thanks for the well wishes and good luck to you too!!

Happy reading all!!

Monic'a :)

okt 20, 2009, 9:12 am

Well I added my first book to the list. Yeah. I am so thrilled. Only 51 more books to go... I will post a review later. I may just post the link to the review once I do write it. Happy Reading all!!


okt 20, 2009, 12:29 pm

Hey Monic'a!

Look forward to your review, it was pretty popular a couple of years back but I was apprehensive to read it, you may change my mind.

Lynd'a :)

okt 20, 2009, 9:04 pm

Hi Lynd'a!!

I finally wrote my review. Here it is:

#1. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

The Secret was recommended to me by a friend on Facebook because of something very difficult I am going through. He just kept going on how the book changed his life and that how what you are thinking and feeling is what will happen. I went into reading the book with skepticism. The basis of the book is the Secret to living a wonderful life and being able to receive everything you want and deserve.

As I was reading the book I noticed how my emotions were influencing the things around me. I started to tune into my feelings and try to think positive thoughts. I noticed myself starting to feel better and getting happier as I read the book. I know that I will use this book as a reference when ever I feel negative feelings or thoughts. I am not going to try and persuade anyone that this book is the meaning to life. I will tell you that The Secret is a great book to help you find the real you and to discover the positive energy from with in you. So I would recommend reading The Secret for some great soul searching and healing.

4 out of 5 stars

Redigeret: okt 21, 2009, 6:56 am

Thanks Monic'a, your review has persuaded me to pick up The Secret and pass it on to my mom who tends to suffer from negative thoughts syndrome.

ps. just a reminder to adjust your're on your way!

okt 21, 2009, 9:13 am

Thanks for the compliment and the reminder about the ticker. I was going to go back and do it but then I got off the computer and forgot about it.

nov 8, 2009, 8:00 pm

#2. The Outlander by Gil Adamson

It took me a long time to read this book just because I went through a rough patch in July and Aug. I had borrowed the book from the library in the beginning of July and was really enjoying it when my life took a turn for the worse. I just couldn't read any books with out crying or not knowing what I was reading. I finally had to return the book and waited a few months before I borrowed it again. I am glad I waited and didn't try to read it or just gave up on it.

I really enjoyed the book. The Outlander is the story of a woman in the early 1900's. The story starts with her running from her brother-in-laws. She goes through all these changes as she is on the run. The woman is Mary Boulton. She is a widow.

On her journey she meets many interesting people and really discovers things about herself that she didn't know before. I found myself as I read this book wanting things to work out for her. I was pleased with most of the book except for the end. I felt a little bit was missing. I don't know what it was. I just know I wanted to know what happened with the brother-in-laws, otherwise it was a good book and well worth the time to read.

3 1/2 stars

nov 8, 2009, 8:01 pm

#3. Act Like a Gentleman, Think Like a Woman by Maria Bustillos

Well this was a fantastic book!! I won the book in the Library Thing Member Giveaway program and was looking forward to reading it. I have yet to read Steve Harvey's book that this book is written in response to. I will be reading Steve Harvey's book soon. Act like a Gentleman, Think like a Woman was a very entertaining read even though I am a woman. I could see myself in some of the descriptions of the different types of woman she talks about. I know I am not a Patsy, the name she gives to the woman that every man wants.

Maria writes that Steve's book is talking about how all women want is to get the ring from the guy. She counters with the fact that all men want is to get laid. I found myself laughing while reading the book, because of the things she revealed about woman and saying how we love to hear how beautiful we are and that it should be all about us. I have to agree and disagree with that. It is great when a guy praises you and flatters you but sometimes it can get very annoying if it is the only thing that they talk about. I realized that when my hubby says things like that, that I do get turned on. It is nice to hear, we sometimes need to be praised to continue to be happy. At least that is what I noticed in myself while reading this book.

I don't know if everything will work in this book for a guy to find that Patsy so that he can get laid. I will say if you find the girl she describes then you should have no problem with getting what you want.

5 stars

nov 15, 2009, 7:44 pm

#4. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

The Book Thief is an excellent book. I read the book in a week and I just didn't want to stop reading. The story is well executed and written. I read this book for a book club I just joined and was thrilled to finally have the chance to buy the book and read it.

As I read the story I found myself getting more and more drawn into the characters and their interactions with everything going on around them. The story is about a girl named Liesel who steals a book and discovers the power of the written word. I was drawn to the fact that she did not know how to read very well at first and yet she was very eager to learn.

The setting takes place in Germany during Hitler's reign. A young girl of 12 years is given to a foster home because her mother can not take care of her anymore. On the way to the new foster home her brother dies on the train and sets the stage for her to steal her first book. At first Liesel isn't happy about moving to a new home and having new parents. The Hubbermann's are her mama and papa. Mrs. Hubbermann is a very unique character and I actually started to like her as I read the book. Mr. Hubbermann is a fantastic papa to Liesel. All three have a wonderful relationship that changes and grows throughout the book.

I found myself crying as I read the last part of the book. When I was reading the book I knew I would shed a tear or two, I shed more then that. I had tears of sorrow and joy as I read The Book Thief. I highly recommend The Book Thief and encourage you to pick up a copy and take the time to read the story.

5 stars

nov 16, 2009, 12:47 am

Nice write up on TBT, Monica.

nov 16, 2009, 10:16 am

I've had this book for ages and STILL haven't read it - another one to add to my 'books I must get around to this festive season'! It's the only time I have off to really enjoy them, rather than reading them at the shop, so I'm trying to choose wisely...

Redigeret: nov 19, 2009, 9:12 am

Chrine: Thanks!!

Ellie: Good luck on reading this book. I may just do it as a re-read sometime.

#5. Die Smart by Kathy Lane

I won this book through Library Things Member Giveaway program. Not that I am planning to die any time soon I just thought it was a good book to try and win because it looked very helpful. I found the book filled with a lot of information. Some of the information was confusing yet helpful. To discover that even if you have a will doesn't guarantee your estate will be divided properly or that you will avoid probate court which would delay your beneficiaries from acquiring your assets.

Die Smart has made me want to start talking to a lawyer about creating a will and trusts, etc. just to make sure that my beneficiaries earn the most out of my estate and retirement funds. This is a great book to read prior to going through the death of a family member. I have to say that when my mother died I knew none of this and my dad is still alive so my sister and I didn't have any involvement in her estate. Now I actually want to talk to my father about what he has done to see if he is prepared so that my sister and I don't have to go to court or delay thing with probate.

I recommend Die Smart for a great reference book. Take it with you when you go to see a lawyer about your will or trusts, etc. Don't wait until it is too late and make it hard on your family.

5 stars because it is a great source of information

nov 20, 2009, 5:44 am

Good comments on Die Smart Monic'a. Even though death is one of the two things that are certain in life, little thought is put into it. It's a subject most likely to be avoided but the book sounds well worth the read.

nov 28, 2009, 2:30 pm

Thanks Carmenere.

#6. Testimony by Anita Shreve

Testimony started out a little slow for me. After about 3 chapters I started to enjoy the story. Testimony is about private school in Vermont. The school is Avery Academy. There is an incident among a 14 year old girl and 3 boys ranging in the ages of 18 and 19.

When light of the incident becomes the knowledge of the headmaster, Mr. Bordwin, he tries to keep everything in house. He questions the involved students one by one. After he speaks to the girl the girl decides to call her parents and cry about what happened. Her father tells her to call the police because she was raped.

I did not care for the girl in this story because I felt that she was a manipulator and instigator of the whole incident, even though she was only 14. Just by the way her character was written gave me that impression.

I would give this book a rating of 4 stars.

nov 29, 2009, 8:35 pm

#7. Sylvia, Rachel, Meredith, Anna by Robert Slentz-Kesler

Sylvia, Rachel, Meredith, Anna is a novel about a man named Gerard who is in his last year of college and not sure what he wants to do with his life. His fiance, Sylvia, keeps harping on him to decide on a job after they graduate. One day Gerard finds letters addressed to Sylvia from a guy she had an affair with. This sets up the decision Gerard finally makes.

Gerard decides to enlist in the army. This is when all the fun starts in this novel. I am not familiar with military life so I found the story very interesting and funny. The language is very colorful yet I can see why it would be. Seeing how the men are treated by the drill sergeants and other enlisted men I can see how they would talk like they do.

I enjoyed the story even though I felt that in some parts it dragged a little and I would have to push my way through the story. The book did get very interesting towards the end just before the men graduated from the infantry. If you are one that does not like colorful language and vulgarities then this is not a book for you.

4 stars

nov 29, 2009, 8:39 pm

Read another book tonight.

#8. ttyl by Lauren Myracle

I decided to read this book for a bit of light easy reading and that is exactly what I got. I enjoyed the book. ttyl is written as IMing among friends. The book was a nice read. It was interesting to see how when something is written it can be interpreted in many different ways.

nov 30, 2009, 8:30 am

Sylvia, Rachel, Meredith, Anna sounds pretty good - I've seen a few mentions of it on LT but yours is the first that has sent me diving for a piece of paper to write it down! Thanks... :-)

dec 1, 2009, 7:59 am

#9. Sammy Keyes and the Skeleton Man by Wendelin Van Draanen

This was a very cute book. I enjoyed the story line. My daughter read this book when she was in middle school.

The story starts out on Halloween. Sammy, Marissa and Dot are getting ready for trick or treat. Sammy's Gram thinks she is too old for dressing up. The girls decide to knock on a house that is considered scary. As the girls are on there way to the house they are run down by a man in a skeleton costume.

That is the set up for a very adventurous story. There are more teenage going ons in the book that just added to the humor of the book.

This is a nice easy read for anyone that just wants an afternoon of relaxation.

5 stars

dec 3, 2009, 12:44 pm

#20 I've never heard of this book before, but after reading your comments I'm dying to know who Rachel, Meredith and Anna are! I'm adding it to the wishlist.

dec 3, 2009, 1:41 pm

#24 sjmccreary: I won the book through the member giveaway here on LT. I believe I have seen it on Amazon not sure if it is at any of the stores.

dec 3, 2009, 8:27 pm

#25 That's OK - I've got plenty of other books lined up ahead it. Probably by the time I get ready for it, it'll be everywhere!

dec 20, 2009, 7:19 pm

#10. Truly, Madly: A Novel by Heather Webber

Truly, Madly is an awesome book. I hated to put the book down. The story of Lucy Valentine and her family business. She has an unique ability that only her family knows about. Her family has a secret for their matchmaking business success which Lucy looses after an electrical storm. Even though she looses the family ability to see auras Lucy develops a new ability that she is unsure of how to handle.

Lucy has to take over the family business while her father recovers from a heart attack. She is reluctant because she doesn't feel she has the ability to be a successful matchmaker. Truly Madly is an entertaining, enjoyable read as there is mystery, romance, suspense and humor all in one book. Lucy meets a sexy ex-firefighter that just sends sparks through her. I can't wait to read the next book in this series.

5 stars

dec 31, 2009, 2:54 pm

#11. Highland Hearts by Virginia Brown

I finally finished this book. This book took me awhile to get into the characters and just the story itself. This book started off slow for me with not much action or love interest. Once the story got interesting I was able to read the book without feeling like a chore.

This is the story of a Scottish Lass named Lianna. She is a proper lass and educated, she is just a naive young lady about life, relationships and the such. Lianna and her cousin Mary are watching these soldiers march into Glencoe when Lianna falls into the arms of a very handsome Scottish fellow, Cameron. Right from that moment you know that they have feelings for each other but it felt so boring.

Once the massacre happens at Glencoe is when the love and romance really start to show and bloom. Lianna and Cameron are trying to survive in the highlands while a blizzard is happening. This is when the story moved for me, most of the time. I skipped a lot of the little descriptions about their surroundings because it felt very boring and not interesting at all.

2 1/2 stars

jan 24, 2010, 8:59 am


#12. You Did it for Me: Friendship and Kindness by Robert Hug

This is a very cute book. If you are interested in teaching your young children about friendship and kindness then this is a great book. The story shows how when one young boy helps others they in turn help him when he is sick.

4 1/2 stars

#13. The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold

The Lovely Bones is the fictional story of a girl who is brutally murdered and raped. The story starts with her stating she is dead. She then goes on to tell you how it happened. The girl is named Susie and is only 14 when she is murdered. You will not be able to put the book down when you are reading it.

Susie explains how her rape and murdered happened. You know who the culprit is from the very beginning of the story. Susie is the narrator through the whole book. You see things through her eyes. Seeing how her family is dealing with her first missing and then learning she is most likely dead when her elbow is found by a neighbors dog. Her family consists of her sister, Lindsey who is a year younger, her brother Buckley who is only 4 at the time, her mother and father. Her Grandmom comes to help the family cope with the problems that arise during the years after Susie's murder.

Susie's father takes her death hard because they are very close. Her mother deals with Susie's death differently and hurts the whole family in the long run. Lindsey senses that when everyone looks at her they see her sister and closes herself from certain people and also changes. Susie longs to be back with her family and wishes she was on earth with them.

The story is one that pulls at your heart strings. As I read the book it made me think about the people I have lost in my life and how I have always felt that they are with me even when I don't realize it. Susie's father concentrates on finding the person who has done this to his little girl. It starts to consume him and he is always contacting the police to give them advice and to tell them he knows who did it even when he has no evidence.

This is a nice, quick read and one that I highly recommend.

5 stars

#14. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

Wow is all I have to say about The Picture of Dorian Gray. I didn't think I would like this book and I was pleasantly surprised with this book. This is the first book I have ever read by Oscar Wilde.

The writing in the book was wonderful. The characters words just flow like music as you read the book. I found myself not wanting to put the book down as I was reading. Dorian, Lord Henry and the Artist Harry interact so well with each other. There is a different relationship between all 3 of them and to see the relationships change through the book was enthralling.

The ending of the book was quite a surprise to me. When I read it I laughed at how well written the story was and the fact that I never realized the ending until the very last second.

I can't wait to read more books written by Oscar Wilde!!

5 stars

#15. The Surgeon by Tess Gerritsen

The Surgeon is mystery, suspense novel. It is based in Boston Massachusetts and Savannah Georgia. The woman Catherine Cordell is a doctor whom was raped 2 years earlier in Savannah Georgia. She has kept the past in the past and doesn't talk about the rape. She has made her life so that she feels secure and is always on the alert for possible things to happen. Dr. Cordell now lives in Boston and the murders start again. It is believed that Catherine has killed the man responsible in Savannah.

The detectives involved in this case are, Thomas Moore and Jane Rizzoli. When the first murder happens in Boston Tom and Jane have to talk to Dr. Cordell. Jane is a woman working in a mans field and always feels that she is judged differently then the men. Tom is known as Saint Thomas because he seems to never do anything wrong.

I found myself wanting to read when ever I had a free moment. I would hide the book under my desk and read while everyone else was working. I found myself thinking about the story as I would fall asleep at night. The Surgeon is a well executed mystery book. Tess Gerritsen kept me on the edge of my seat during the whole book. If you are looking for a new mystery writer then give Tess Gerritsen a try.

5 stars

I am finally caught up on all my reviews for this thread. Since I don't have a time limit on this I just add the books as I see that they fit into a spot.

jan 24, 2010, 9:36 am

Glad to hear how much you liked The Lovely Bones (which I loved when I read it a few years ago) and The Picture of Dorian Gray (which is my favourite book ever!). Harry, Basil and Dorian: what a trio! In case you missed my adoring reviews elsewhere, the new movie version starring Colin Firth and Ben Barnes is just brilliant - highly recommended...

jan 24, 2010, 6:54 pm

Ther Lovely Bones sounds really good, I am definitely going to looking for it at the library.

feb 16, 2010, 12:37 pm

I finished another book to add to my Alphabet Challenge. I finished The Zookeeper's Wife by Diane Ackerman. I will post my review later tonight, hopefully.

feb 17, 2010, 9:54 am

#16 The Zookeeper's Wife by Diane Ackerman

I love to read books about the Holocaust. I thought I would really enjoy The Zookeeper's Wife. I have to admit that I enjoyed the book but I wasn't drawn into the whole story. I felt that in parts the story dragged on or was repeating things about Jan and Antonia that had already been mentioned.

Jan and Antonia are husband and wife who run the Warsaw Zoo prior, during and after the war. The Zookeeper's Wife tells of how the zoo was used to hide Jews and was part of the Underground. The book is written in third person which after awhile became monotnous.

Diane Ackerman quotes from Antonia's diary and other personal writings of those that stayed at the zoo during the war. At times I found it confusing as to what she was trying to get across.

Towards the end the story became interesting because Poland was being bombed near the zoo and Jan had been ordered to serve and fight. Everyone that had been at the zoo at that time had to be moved to Germany. I felt closer to the characters at this point then I did through out the whole story.
Overall the story was adequate. I do not feel that this is a book I would have picked it up on my own to read.

3 stars

feb 20, 2010, 11:12 am

#17. Club Dead by Charlaine Harris

Club Dead is the third book in the Sookie Stackhouse series. I loved this book. I couldn't put the book down once I started reading it. I found myself just picking the book up and reading when I should have been cleaning, or even working while at work. Charlaine Harris captures you right from the beginning of the book.

Club Dead starts with Sookie visiting Bill at his house and her getting the cold shoulder from him, no pun intended. He is doing research on his computer and Sookie has become second best to the computer. Sookie learns that Bill will be going away for awhile and he if any thing should happen to him that she is suppose to put herself under Eric's protection. As soon as I read the first chapter I knew I was in for a wonderful and adventurous story.

As the story progressed I realized I was not liking Bill as much as I was before and that there is more to these Vampires and Supernaturals then meets the eye. I find it interesting how Sookie is a telepath and is able to read some Sups minds more then others. I hope to Sookie learns more about using her telepathy in this series. I feel she has so much more potential if she really learns more about using her gift.

Sookie learns from Eric and Pam that Bill has been lieing to her about their 'relationship'. Sookie is confused about her feeling for Bill when she learns that he has lied to her and is planning to leave her for another woman, who just happens to be a Vampire. Sookie feels obligated and threatened when Eric tells her that Bill has been abducted. Eric persuades and threatens Sookie that she must use her powers to find out who has taken Bill.

Alcide (pronounced Al-see) is the man that Eric hooks up with Sookie to help search for Bill. As soon as you meet Alcide you will like him. I found myself wanting Alcide and Sookie to hook up just because he seemed like a great guy. Alcide is a Werewolf with manners. Alcide and Sookie go to Jackson Mississippi as a couple and run into problems as soon as they step into Club Dead, where the elitist vampires chill out and drink some blood.

Sookie does everything she can to find Bill and when she finds out where he is she is determined to rescue him even though she is torn between loving and hating Bill. There are injuries for Sookie in this story and also a chance for her to be pampered by Alcide's sister. Sookie gets attached by Alcide's ex-girlfriend, is accosted by another were and winds up getting staked to help vampires. That just tells you the adventures Sookie had in Club Dead.

5 stars

I am now going to concentrate on Dear John

feb 22, 2010, 5:36 am

I bought the first Sookie Stackhouse book when True Blood started on TV, but I still haven't read it (no idea why...). I guess I'm just going to have to boost it up Mount TBR and get collecting the rest now. :-)

I just bought Dear John too so I'll be awaiting your thoughts on that one!

feb 22, 2010, 6:40 am

I thought The zookeeper's wife would have been a better read. I'll keep an eye out for it at used booksales.

I've been hearing alot of good things about Charlaine Harris and hope to get around to her soon too. Oh, so many books, they keep on coming, I can not keep up : }

mar 15, 2010, 11:03 pm

Finally able to add another book to this challenge. It really makes it hard to do a challenge when the books you keep choosing don't fit in any of the letters. Ellie I posted my review for Dear John on my other challenges since I wasn't able to use it here. I will find the link tomorrow and post it here.

Carmenere, I thought I would enjoy The Zookeeper's Wife more then I did. It was a good book just not my cup of tea. I am having trouble keeping up with all the great books I see on everyone's threads.

The book I added to this challenge was Final Target by Iris Johansen for the letter J author. Look for review tomorrow.

Happy Reading all!!

mar 16, 2010, 3:57 pm

#18. Final Target by Iris Johansen

Final Target is an egaging book of suspense thriller. Iris Johansen does a superb job in creating a story of unique problems and gifts for the characters that just keep you wanting more.

Final Target is about a child that survives a robbery turned murder. Cassie is a seven year old girl who runs to the safety of the Wind Dancer when she is attacked and almost killed by a robber. Cassie becomes a comotose girl living in her dreams/nightmares.

Jessica is the doctor who is trying to get Cassie to come back to reality just like Jessica did for her sister Melissa. The twists and turns of the story keep the pages turning of this suspensed filled thriller.

I enjoyed the story and the personalities of the characters. I found myself rooting for Melissa to reveal to her sister the truth about Cassie.

3 1/2 stars

apr 19, 2010, 7:16 am

#19. The Soloist by Steve Lopez

I have been pondering exactly what to write for my review since I finished this book. I enjoyed the book because of the music and the homeless man that finds solace in playing his instruments. Steve Lopez is a journalist who is in search of a story for his column and he finds a homeless man playing a violin. Mr. Lopez is enthralled by this man and decides that this is what or who his next column will be written about.

I found the story well written and a wonderful enthralling read. Steve captures the essence of Nathanial Ayers and his love of music. The relationship that builds throughout the story, between Steve Lopez and Nathanial Ayers is wonderfully conveyed. At times I felt like I was there with them in the story listening to the music that Nathanial was playing.

As I read the story I reflected on how I was when I played the violin and my love for music. Music has always been away for people to express themselves and to lose the demons that sometimes feel like they are controlling your life. The Soloist brings forth this in so many different ways as Mr. Lopez learns more about the classical music that Nathan plays and the many different instruments he attempts to perform with while Nathan is out on the streets.

5 stars

apr 27, 2010, 10:27 am

#20. The Broken Blue Line by Connie Dial

The Broken Blue Line is a book that I thoroughly enjoyed reading. I love mysteries with suspense, and a little bit of romance thrown in for some smiles and laughs. I have to say that The Broken Blue line did not disappoint me. I found the characters very endearing and able to appreciate them. I did find myself confused when I first started reading the book. I was getting the characters confused.

The Broken Blue Line is about Internal Affairs and crooked cops. Those styles of books are always very interesting reads. When I read books like this I always visualize it in real life and not just being fiction. Most of these books I feel are based on some actual facts.

Turner is a memeber of IA and soon becomes the focus of an investigation. I found it interesting how the members of his squad were divided about him. Turner's partner and friend, Reggie and Miller are the ones who want to help Turner prove his innocence and at the same time capture the real cop that is their prime suspect.

Reggie is the one that doesn't mind breaking the rules and circumvention authority to get to the truth. Miller is the wise craking one that doesn't like authority. Turner, Reggie and Miller work well together and make the best IA team even though the one boss hates them.

I hope to read more books by Connie Dial.

4 stars

maj 1, 2010, 11:15 am

Sounds like a cracking little read! Adding it to the book heap...

maj 9, 2010, 7:41 pm

It was an awesome read. Now here is my review for a comic I just finished reading.

#21. Flash Terminal Velocity by Mark Waid

Well this is the second comic book I have ever read yet the first Flash I have read. I will admit I loved the story. The afterword was really enlightening and brought the whole story together just in case you didn't realize what Flash Terminal Velocity was about.

Flash Terminal Velocity is about true love and how you can over come certain things when you have true love. I just loved that about this story.

5 stars

Now to find my next read...

jul 2, 2010, 10:56 pm

#22. Blind Faith by Ben Elton

I have been thinking about how I to write a review for Blind Faith since I had started reading it. Every time I was reading I would think about how this book related to some events or similarities between our real world and the world depicted in Blind Faith.

Blind Faith is a novel about a world that has been punished by the "Love" aka "God". Everyone in this world has Blind Faith in "The Love". They believe that God gives you things, such as life, food, air, children etc and yet will also take it away if you don't worship the Love.

The people are 'ruled' by the Temple that sets all the rules. You are not allowed to keep secrets or have privacy. Everything you do is always being filmed. People walk around barely clothed. Women are told to get Breasts implants. If a woman doesn't get breast implants then they must not love the love. Because the Love wants you to love your body by making it sexy with fake boobs. Everything on the Earth is created by the love.

Some of the similarities I related to in the book to the real world is the fact that the people are always being filmed. That made me think about how so many people will create videos and upload them to their web pages, blogs, youtube etc. In Blind Faith you need to post videos of you having sex with your current wife, the birth of a child and other things. If you don't then you must not love yourself and you can be punished for all this. The temple preaches that marriage is not meant to be you get married once and you last with that person until you die; the temple preaches that you are supposed to be married multiple times. When I read about the idea of marriage it made me think about how some people will get a divorce instead of trying to either work things out and possibly save the marriage.

I found the story entertaining and quite laughable with the contradictions with in the Temple beliefs. When the Children died they were sent to a better place. Yet the Children that live on the Earth are blessed and in a better place too. Just seeing how people can be easily manipulated to believe things when professed over and over again.

I am glad that I was able to read this book and be introduced to another new author.

4 stars.

Finally able to add another book to this challenge. Now I need to decide what to read of maybe I should just finish one of my many books that I started but never finished. Happy Reading all!!

Redigeret: jul 29, 2010, 7:24 pm

I just added another book to this challenge In Harm's Way by Ridley Pearson. I also just noticed that I missed one of my books so I will be adding 2 reviews tonight

#23. Girl Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen

Girl Interrupted is the story of a woman, Susanna Kaysen's time spent in a mental institution for just over a year in 1967. Susanna voluntarily admits herself into McLean Hospital when she is 18 years old. She is sent there by her doctor because she is depressed and has also tried to commit suicide.

While she is in the hospital you meet some very interesting, Lisa, Daisy, Polly, Cynthia and more. Each one is at their own level of mental illness. I felt as I was reading the book that sometimes these girls knew more about the difference between reality and that which was not real.

It was interesting to see how they argued with their inner demons. Some of the girls receive special privileges such as being able to go out side the hospital for ice cream, coffee or just to go shopping. The author talks about the different privileges she is rewarded with and how some of the girls will escape when they have a chance.

I now want to see the movie Girl Interrupted starring Winona Ryder and Angelina Jolie. The book is a very fast read and made me wonder about how our brains and minds really work.

4 stars

#24. In Harm's Way by Ridley Pearson

This is the first book that I have ever read by Ridley Pearson and I have to say I find his work pleasantly enticing. I love reading mysteries and was thrilled to win this book from the Early Reviewers program. I started reading the book as soon as it arrived in my mailbox.

In Harm's Way is the 4th book in the Walt Fleming Novels. I am honored to say that I was able to enjoy the book even though I was not familiar with the characters in the novel prior to reading this book.

Walt Fleming is sheriff in a small town in Idaho who is raising two twin eleven year old girls. I found Walt Fleming to be a complex character while still being interesting and entertaining. He has a small staff of deputies and a photographer whom is the love interest of Walt. I found some of the characters of little interest and didn't create a bond towards them while reading In Harm's Way.

In Harm's Way is a well crafted story of intrigue and suspense. As I read the book I found myself getting more and more drawn into the story and thinking I knew who did it before I finally reached the end. It is enjoyable when reading a book and not being able to figure out who committed the crime before the end. I was getting to the point where I started to actually talk back to the characters while reading the book. When that happens you know I am drawn into the story.

4 1/2 stars

aug 1, 2010, 8:14 am

#25. Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist is a charming young adult book about relationships, love and music. I loved the book and found it very entertaining. Nick is a bassist in a Queercore punk band and he is straight. Norah is a girl whose father is a music executive and is usually very straight laced and doesn't do anything wrong or out of the ordinary until she meets Nick.

I loved how they met in the book. Nick's band has just finished performing and he sees his ex with another guy and it hurts him. So he asks Norah is she will be his girlfriend for the next 5 minutes. The way Norah answers him is just so not typical most girls, she decides to kiss him. Both of their reactions to the kiss are so real that I just continued to root for them as a couple.

The chapters are written from both Nick and Norah's point of views, alternating, which I found very charming. You got to see how they each felt about the things that happened. Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist is about their whole night together in New York. Both have past baggage that they keep bottled up and have hurt both of them in trying to get into a new relationships. Their friends are the ones that see the truth of their feelings and play an underlying role in getting them to realize it.

This is a nice quick easy read for a nice relaxing summer evening, afternoon, or day. So if you need a nice enjoyable, relaxing read then pick up Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist.

5 stars

aug 7, 2010, 8:45 am

#26. Snagged by Carol Higgins Clark

I realized as I was reading Snagged that I had started reading this book once before. I don't remember ever finishing the book the last time and I don't know why. I believe it had belonged to someone else and I think I had just picked it up and started reading it at my old job a few years ago. Now that I have my own copy I was able to read it through.

Snagged is number 2 in the Reagan Riley mystery series. When I read this one I didn't feel that you needed to read the first one prior to reading the next one. They are not as a true series just that the main character is always Reagan Riley as the detective. In Snagged you also have the supporting cast of her mother, Nora, who is an author of mysteries, her father Luke, who is a mortician, Richie Blossom who is Reagan's Uncle.

Snagged is about Richie and his newest invention of the perfect pantyhose (now if only this was true!!) His pantyhose are run proof, snag proof, fit perfectly with out bagging at the ankles etc. You name it these hose are what every women dreams of owning and the pantyhose industries worst nightmare. The story takes place in Florida, There is a pantyhose convention and a mortician convention going on at the same time. Richie is trying to sell his pantyhose to save his retirement home the Fourth Quarter. So when Reagan and Richie are almost run over while crossing the street Reagan begins to think that someone is out to kill Richie so that he can't sell his pantyhose to the highest bidder.

I found the book very interesting and easy to follow. The story is well written and very engaging that I felt myself getting excited and nervous at the right moments. I will be picking up more books written my Carol Higgins Clark.

4 1/2 stars

I am going to pick up Act like a Lady, Think like a Man by Steve Harvey. I saw him yesterday on Dr. Phil and I am quite interested in reading the book now. I may need some of this information in the near future and I may as well get prepared. Happy reading all!!

sep 11, 2010, 3:40 pm

#27. Julie and Julia by Julie Powell

Well I just finished reading Julie and Julia, the book about the blogger that decided to cook all the recipes in Master the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child. I don't even know where to begin with this review. I didn't love the book that is one thing. I didn't really hate the book either. I just know that I will never try to Master the Art of French Cooking. I like to cook but I wouldn't want to torture myself or anyone that I am cooking for either.

I had decided to read Julie and Julia since I had seen parts of the movie already. I enjoyed most of the movie that I have seen. I hope to watch the movie from beginning to end at some point then I can give a better review of the movie.

There are a few things that I didn't care for in the book and that was the ramblings of Julie. The book just felt like she did a lot of rambling and whining. She would complain about her real job, her decision to do this project, her friends, her biological clock ticking away, her mother, etc. You name it she complained about it. It was funny at first but after awhile it became annoying and I noticed that I would skim over those parts. Julie also had a very foul mouth during this project, whether this is a reflection of how she really handles stress or her actual personality I really can't say. I just know that saying the 'f' word as often as she did just doesn't make me think of her as a lady or female.

I would love to hear from some of her followers from the blog. It would be interesting to really just see what they found so fascinating about her project let alone how they actually found the blog and decided to stick with her through the whole project.

I can not tell you to read or not to read this book. You have to decide for yourself because it is not something I feel everyone will enjoy reading. I am not one that will only read so many pages before I decide to stop reading. I will read a book to the end so that I can give it a full review. I may soon decide to start saying that if I am not enjoying the book from either 50 to 100 pages in then I should stop reading the book.

If you love to cook you may enjoy reading this book. If you have Master the Art of French Cooking you may be able to enjoy the book even more since you will undoubtedly be familiar with all if not most of the recipes Julie attempts. I have to give this book about 2 stars. Just not my cup of tea...

sep 17, 2010, 8:12 am

Good reads, Monic'a! I have Julie and Julia unread. Sounds like it's not my cuppa either.

I'll and Act like a Lady, Think like a Man to my wishlist. That could always be put to good use.

nov 18, 2010, 6:32 pm

Thanks Carmenere!

I finally have some books to add. Here are the reviews:

#28. Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford

This book is about the internment of the Japanese in America during World War 2. I read this book for my library book club and again they made a wonderful choice. The book is set in Seattle Washington.

The two main characters in this book are Henry and Keiko and their families. Henry is Chinese and his father is of the belief that the Japanese are all evil and out to destroy China and America. Keiko is a Japanese girl that Henry meets at the white school they both attend. At first Henry is conflicted about Keiko because of his family.

Keiko thinks of herself as an American. She was born in America and speaks English. She does not know any Japanese which Henry learns after he says a phrase to her in Japanese. Keiko is impressed when she learns what the phrase really meant. Henry and Keiko become friends.

Keiko and her family are then sent away to camps. America is afraid that the Japanese who live in America are all spies and are going to help Japan attack the USA. They move all Japanese inland. Henry works in the cafeteria at school and the lady in charge there offers Henry a job on the weekends to help out at Camp Minodaka. Henry knows that this is where Keiko and her family have been sent. He hopes to find Keiko and is relieved when he does find her.

Even though they are both so far away from each other you can see that they truly do love and care for each other a lot. Henry promises to wait for her even if it is years.

I found myself crying and feeling sorry for Henry and Keiko as they struggled during this war time. The story goes back and forth from 1942 to 1986 etc. So you are reliving the events through Henry's memories. The story is wonderfully written and captivates the reader with the heart of the story.

5 stars

#29. Pooh Goes Visiting by A.A. Milne

I decided to read this book one night when I just couldn't fall asleep and too also use for this challenge in the YA/Children category. Pooh Goes Visiting is about Pooh going to visit his friend Rabbit. Pooh gets himself in a tight spot after he has eaten too much honey while visiting with Rabbit.

Just a nice easy, light read before bed.

#30. Outside Wonderland by Lorna Jane Cook

I finally finished the book. It took me awhile to get into the story line.

The story is about 3 children who lose their mother and then they lose their father and are raised by their grandmother. Now the story is following each of them during their lives, while their parents are watching from the great beyond.

As the story progressed I found some of the characters growing on me. The 2 children are Alice, Griffin and Dinah. Their mother died when the youngest Dinah was about a year old. Then the father takes them to Greece a few years later and then he dies. Now the children are left to be raised by their grandmother.

As you read the story you are seeing the children grown up while their parents watch at different times. I really found myself getting into the story by about Chapter 12. By that chapter I felt like I had finally gotten to accept the characters.

I have to say the ending of the book was better then I thought it would be. I did eventually like the book I just can't say I loved the book.

3 1/2 stars

nov 23, 2010, 9:12 am

#31. Richard Scarry's ABC by Richard Scarry

This is a cute book to help children learn the letters. I read the book just to pass the time before bed. I needed something that was light and easy plus it has been on my shelves for so long I figured it was about time I read it.

I love Richard Scarry. I love the books and the cartoons. I just couldn't help reading this book just to bring back memories of when my kids were young.

5 stars

nov 23, 2010, 12:37 pm

#32. The Ugly Duckling by Landoll

I love the Ugly Duckling story and love reading all the different versions and re-writes of this classic fairy tale.

This one is retold by Dandi. This is just a story of how not to judge a book by it's cover. Don't take everything at face value. And that we should always accept people for who they are and not for how they look.

#33. What's for Lunch by John Schindel

I remember reading this book to my son and daughter when they were little. I then remember when they were able to read it to me and how proud I was of them.

Just a book about a mouse pondering what is for lunch. When a cat comes along and says to the mouse that I am going to eat you.

It is just nice to see the mouse get his lunch and scare all the other animals away.

Yes you can tell I was bored last night. Plus I figured I may as well try to get through some of my kids books to clear off shelves and to possibly finish a category.

nov 26, 2010, 2:01 pm

#34. The Elves and the Shoemaker

The story of the Shoemaker who is very poor and about to lose his shop. He has some leather and he cuts it before leaving the store.

When he returns the next day there is a pair of beautiful shoes on the table. The shoemaker sells the shoes and has enough money to buy leather to make two pairs of shoes. He cuts the leather and leave it on the table again.

He returns the next day and there are 2 pairs of shoes better than the ones from the previous day. The shoemaker's wife and himself wonder who is making the shoes. They decide to stay one day to see who is making the shoes.

When they discover who is making the shoes they decide to make clothes for the elves.

5 stars

#35. Manatee Winter by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld

This is a book about how Manatee's survive in the winter. The book describes how Manatee's are almost extinct and how they are now protected. You will learn how Manatee's look for warmer waters to live in during the winter months.

5 stars

nov 29, 2010, 7:31 pm

#36. The Reckoning by Howard Owen

Wow is what I have to say about this book. When I started reading it I wasn't grabbed at the very beginning. I don't know if it was the style of writing that didn't capture my attention or if it was just moving so slow to begin with.

This is a story about a man and his son. The father is named George Jame and the son is name Jake. George's wife dies in the beginning of the book and you see how their lives have changed. As you are reading the book you are taken to the past life of George James, when he was in college. The reason for this is because George's friend Freeman is staying in their house.

Going into the past is just so that you can learn things about Freeman and the relationship between George and Freeman. Does George really know his friend Freeman or has he turned a blind eye to his misgivings. I found the story slow at first but growing as you continued to read the book.

The ending of the book was very suspenseful and kept me interested that I didn't want to put the book down until I was finished it.

5 stars

dec 31, 2010, 11:09 pm

#37. King Lear by William Shakespeare

Took me awhile to read this book due to life taking over my reading time. I also just wasn't interested in reading the play for awhile. The Tragedy of King Lear is a well written play by William Shakespeare. I have only read one other work by Shakespeare and that is Romeo and Juliet.

I enjoyed the story of King Lear, I just wish I had a better understanding of his English writing to fully understand Shakespeare's works.

4 1/2 stars

jan 19, 2011, 10:24 pm

#38. Damaged by Alex Kava

This was my ER win from July and I have to say the wait was worth it. I don't know if it was because I just read a very long and difficult book on the Tudor period or if I just needed a nice light read.

Damaged is a novel about Maggie O'Dell, a criminal profiler for the FBI. I have watched the show Criminal Minds and know that I really enjoy the intricacies of the thought processes of criminals and how the profiler is able to conclude those thoughts.

Maggie is recruited by a friend from the Department of Homeland Security, Charlie Wurth to help with profiling due to the discovery of a cooler with body parts in it. The cooler is found in the Gulf near Pensacola Beach Florida by the Coast Guard. The catch is that Maggie is going down to Pensacola when a hurricane is predicted to land in Pensacola.

I found myself not wanting to put the book down. The chapters moved quickly and always wanting to know what would happen next. I read this book in less then one day.

5 stars

feb 13, 2011, 12:28 am

#39. Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay

Sarah's Key brought to light things that I did not know about the deportation of the Jews during the Holocaust from France. I have read books on this subject but mainly from the Poland and Germany. I never knew the French were involved in the 'round-up' of Jewish men, women and children.

Sarah's Key is the story of a Jewish girl named Sarah, whom is awakened on July 16, 1942 by the French Police. Sarah does something for her brother, thinking she is protecting him. She has her brother, Michel, go into their secret hiding place and promises to come back and get him.

You follow Sarah, her mother and father to a stadium where they are kept in awful conditions. They are given no food, or water for days. People die and some actually commit suicide. During this time Sarah thinks about her brother and let's her parents know what she did. You also meet a journalist, Julia Jarmond, from present day France. She is doing a story about the Vel' d'Hiv for the newspaper she works for in France.

Julia learns about this roundup and she is surprised by the treatment of the Jewish people and also the children. I felt myself yearning to know more about the incidents and actions on that fateful day in 1942. Julia learns how her in-laws have a connection to a family from the past. Julia is driven to learn so much and when she does discover the truth she is both saddened and intrigued. She becomes closer to her father-in-law.

Tatiana does a fantastic job of drawing you into the story and yearning to learn what happened and what will happen. I even find myself thinking about how the story continues even after the end.

5 stars

mar 19, 2011, 10:42 pm

#40. The Idiot Girls' Action-Adventure Club by Laurie Notaro

This book was given to me by one of my son's friends. She figured I would enjoy it because the woman is close to my age and some of the things she talks about I would understand. I did enjoy the book. Yet I wasn't as bad as her with some of her behaviors.

Laurie is writing about her own personal experiences. Some are funny and some are just unbelievable. She talks about her drinking binges and her escapades that follow. The one time she gets pulled over because a woman is in her window yelling at her friend. She gets pulled over because she held up traffic and then is given a sobriety test. She fails yet she is sober. That is something I am always afraid of happening to me.

I found the one story about the revenge of the bra girl very funny. I could just picture her yelling at the manager for yelling at the girls for talking while working. Sometimes management doesn't realize that people can multi-task.

The book was entertaining and a nice book to read in between the longer books I have been reading.

4 stars

mar 20, 2011, 3:33 pm

#41. Forever Amber Brown by Paula Danziger

This is a very cute story. Amber Brown is a girl who is 9 years old and talks her life. Her parents are divorced and mom is thinking of getting engaged to Max. She doesn't want things to change or does she.

I found it interesting because it deals with an interesting situation that many children have to deal with. Some not always at a young age.

5 stars

I just needed an easy read and didn't realize it fit into this challenge. Nice surprise.

apr 2, 2011, 10:56 am

Hi Monica - bouncing through and see you have made great progress on this challenge.

jun 5, 2011, 6:43 pm

I finished another book I can add to this list. Here is my review:

#42. Attack on Pearl Harbor by Shelley Tanaka

I love reading about World War II. This is the first book I have read on Pearl Harbor. This book is a childrens/young adult book. I found the pictures fascinating. Some were actual pictures and others were exceptionally drawn.

Attack on Pearl Harbor has the view point of the Japanese and their planned attack. You also learn about some of the people that were there when the attack happened. I nice enjoyable short book.

4 1/2 stars

Now hopefully I will be able to find more books to finish this challenge.

jun 13, 2011, 7:12 am

Yes Another book to add to this challenge. Here is my review:

#43. Very Bad Men by Harry Dolan

This is my first book by Harry Dolan and I have to say I was enthralled from the very beginning. I found the story to move along at a good pace.

Very Bad Men is about a serial killer trying to make amends for something he feels that he didn't do for one of his friends when he was younger. The way the story unravels is what kept me interested from the beginning. The main character is David Loogan, the editor of a mystery magazine. He received a manuscript and it isn't fiction. He realizes this as soon as he reads it.

I found the characters engaging at times. David Loogan is involved with a detective named Elizabeth which adds a little intrigue to the story. Anthony Lark is the man with the list of names to be murdered. There are many different characters that add to the mystery of who is the real criminal here.

I found the ending a little disappointing only because you are not sure exactly what happened and if everyone will find out the truth that they have been searching for. Otherwise it was a great book and I look forward to reading more books by Harry Dolan.

4 1/2 stars

jul 22, 2011, 11:43 am

#44. Silent Enemy by Thomas Young

Silent Enemy is the story of Major Parson and Sergeant Gold. We were first introduced to these two characters in Young's previous book The Mullah's Storm. I am not familiar with that book yet I still found Silent Enemy easy to follow.

Major Parson is pilot in the Air-force and Sergeant Gold is from the Army working as a teacher in Afghanistan to help train those who want to become police and make Afghanistan a better place. Her school/police office is bombed and students and staff are injured. Gold and her friends and colleagues become patients of Major Parson's aircraft.

Parson's aircraft is now considered an Air Evac mission. The story doesn't get interesting until the Air Evac is in flight and they learn of a bomb threat to all aircraft that left Bagram Air Base. Parson's is left with trying to figure out what to do to protect his crew and the patients. The most logical thing is to find the bomb and to try and diffuse it.

Parson's crew search the aircraft and don't find a bomb. During the search Parson learns of 2 planes that had left Bagram have gone down. Now the threat of a bomb is more prominent then first thought. One place on the plane they didn't look is a place you usually don't go into during a flight. Parson decides that section needs to be checked and he has to depressurize the plane to search it.

The intricacies of the story are sometimes long and drawn out as you are reading. Parson's character sometime remembers his last time with Sergeant Gold and how they handled that crisis. Some of their pasts are brought up and how they are reacting to the current situation.

So will Air Evac survive or go down like the other planes that have left Bagram Air Base? You will need to pick up your copy of Silent Enemy to discover what happens.

4 stars

sep 13, 2011, 3:39 pm

Just wanted to let everyone know that we are planning another read-a-thing for November. Please visit this link to cast your vote as to when this read-a-thing should be.

We are looking to do 100 hours or something along those lines. Check it out and vote and then mark your calendars!!

dec 6, 2012, 9:03 am

I totally forgot about this challenge.

dec 26, 2012, 8:38 pm

hahaha, and you are so close to finishing too.

dec 27, 2012, 9:46 am

Yes I am. I should just look at all the books I read this year and see if any of them would fit into the empty slots.

dec 27, 2012, 11:37 am

> 66 - Good idea! You may surprise yourself with some that fit!

dec 27, 2012, 2:08 pm

Well I took a look and nothing that I have read this year (only 30 books) would fit in any of the letters. I will see if I can find some books to fit in there so that I can finish this up.