Siracusa by Delia Ephron

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Siracusa by Delia Ephron

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Redigeret: sep 27, 2017, 9:58 pm

The book is Siracusa by Delia Ephron:

I'm not sure I understood the ending of this book
Did the young girl Snow actually push Cathy off the cliff?
In the very last dialogue Liz is going on about how she and Michael were pathologic liars and that "I can't believe what I've become."
Did I misunderstand? Did Liz and Michael have something to do with Cathy's death?
Sometimes I can be very dense and completely miss the intention or message the author is trying to get across.
I did that with Shutter Island. I totally didn't realize that the main character was actually going through this big experiment until someone explained it to me.

sep 28, 2017, 1:58 am