Thumbnails about books--where to post?

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Thumbnails about books--where to post?

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jan 30, 2017, 4:52 pm

Somewhere and somehow, I can't specifically recall either event, the term thumbnail struck me as being useful for short blurbs about specific books, which don't seem to warrant being called reviews, even though in practice here at LT, there are many blurbs we refer as reviews. It seems to me more appropriate to referred to short book commentaries, with fewer than 3-5 lines, as blurbs, or even better, I think, thumbnails.
By way of example, here are a couple thumbnails published in the first (?) softcover printing (1958) of the second volume (revised Catholic Edition) by Image books of Daniel-Rops' Jesus and His Times:
Our Sunday Visitor: "Masterly volume...scholarly in substance and brilliantly popular (?) in presentation...
"The book is one of exceptional quality. It is alive with authentic (?) detail...
It is attractive, informative, and inspirational for any reader."
Catholic Review Service: "Will be welcomed by readers who want a really profound and beautifully written Life of our Lord."
Please comment: are there useful? where would they best be posted at LT?

jan 30, 2017, 5:47 pm

There really isn't a place for these, other than, perhaps, the "comment" field of your catalogue.

There is a "blurbers" field in CK on the work page, but that is for the names of people writing the blurbs, not the blurbs themselves. The type of thing you've quoted isn't really a "description", either, too short and vague. They definitely should not be added as reviews, as those are supposed to be your own work, not someone else's.

Redigeret: feb 3, 2017, 5:03 pm

I'm very grateful for your reply, and I responded almost immediately, but I think somehow it got lost??XX, which was
aggravating. Does that happen if we take too long to enter our comments?
Maybe my comment was verbose--the jist was that I found several different types of "descriptions," which followed the LT recommendations on my book summaries. There are several different categories--but most are essentially blurbs or thumbnails, like they were taken off the paper jackets of hardcovers or the back of paperbacks. Can you explain how these are entered into LT? And can others see them if they don't own the book?

feb 3, 2017, 5:05 pm

>3 eschator83:

Where on LT are you seeing these? Could you link to an example?

feb 4, 2017, 8:56 am

Hopefully, here goes:

I think this is a volume of Jesus of Nazareth by you-know-who.
To see the several types of descriptions shown, scroll way down through the recommendations, and just past common knowledge you'll see several types of blurbs/descriptions. How do they get there? What is the source?

feb 4, 2017, 9:48 am

Ah, okay.

You've got "Members' description", which is exactly that, your description of the book.

Then there are "Book Descriptions" and "Library Description". I believe these come directly from Amazon and various libraries, so you cannot add anything in those fields.

feb 4, 2017, 9:51 am

Please remember that the sections of the work page can be reordered. What is the section you are referring to called?

I think you might be referring to 'Library descriptions'. Those come from libraries, although I'm not sure how. Anyone can see them, but you can't add them or edit them. And, yes, in this case, at least some of them are basically taken from the back cover of the book.

feb 4, 2017, 10:16 am

The other place you could have seen on some books is 'Published Reviews' as on To enter something there, you really ought to have access to the full review, even though you should only enter a snippet.

Redigeret: feb 4, 2017, 4:59 pm

Thank you both. Do you have a preference between posting a link here at LT to a review (of my own or someone else) on another site vs copying the review here (with acknowledgement).

feb 4, 2017, 5:17 pm

If you are doing this in the "member review" field, it must be your own work. There, it's okay to just use a link to your review elsewhere, but be aware that many people will not click on a link.

If you are using the "published reviews" field on the Work page, it must come from a legitimate source (the New York Review of Books, the Chicago Tribune, etc.), not someone's blog or Amazon review. The best thing to do is enter just a snippet of the review (do not enter the entire review; that's a copyright violation), and an URL to the review if you wish. Always include the source of the review.