Ruth Chew -- where to start?

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Ruth Chew -- where to start?

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apr 12, 2012, 10:02 pm

Hi. I have been trying to remember (beginning) chapter books I enjoyed as a child to recommend to my son. I know I loved Ruth Chew but never owned any of her books. While many of the titles are familiar to me I can't remember the details of most of them.

Does anybody have a recommendation of which books are best to start on? If it makes a difference, it will be for a 7-year old boy.

Redigeret: apr 12, 2012, 11:09 pm
List of the books. You could choose a book that has a boy character in it. The Secret Summer is good. The rest I think are fantasy. Whatever interests him. I'd suggest No Such Thing as a Witch, or, The Trouble with Magic, or, The Hidden Cave, etc.

apr 20, 2012, 1:07 am

Thanks for the link and the suggestions!