The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle Group Read: Non-Spoiler Thread

Snak75 Books Challenge for 2011

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The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle Group Read: Non-Spoiler Thread

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jul 6, 2011, 7:40 pm

Wow, 2 Group Reads in 2 months! This will also be my second Murakami G.R. We did Norwegian Wood, just over a year ago. I love his work and have wanted to read this one for a long time.
This will kick-off on July 15th and will also be split in 2 separate Spoiler Threads. Hope we can get a nice crowd! Start finding a copy...

jul 6, 2011, 9:19 pm

I was able to snag a copy at the book sale, so I am good to go! I may not always love the book in our group reads, but I always enjoy the company and learn from the conversations. Plus, so far, the books I've read in group reads are all ones I probably would not have read otherwise. Thanks for organizing, Mark!

jul 6, 2011, 10:06 pm

Posted this thread on the wiki...

jul 6, 2011, 10:54 pm

Got the book and as soon as I get done with Thousand Autumns will start reading this one. It better be better than Norwegian Wood. I really didn't get that one and yet it had such an impact in Japan. But I loved Kafka on the Shore so can't wait to see what this one brings.

jul 6, 2011, 11:15 pm

I'm not ready to reread this, but I'm grinning that some people will be. This is another of my "Books of the Decade," so I'll be checking the thread to see what everybody is thinking.

jul 6, 2011, 11:18 pm

I've already read this and unfortunately swapped it on PBS. I'll also be checking this thread to see what everyone thinks about it.

jul 14, 2011, 6:57 am

This looks like it might be a quiet Group Read. We'll see. I started the Week One Thread:

jul 14, 2011, 10:02 am

Thanks for setting things up again, Mark. I'm going to be reading this with you, but might get a late start as my daughter's family will be staying with us this week end. It won't be quiet at my house!

jul 20, 2011, 6:13 am

I read about two-thirds of Wind-Up Bird Chronicle last month but since then it's been on hold. I've starred this thread and the Week One thread in the hope that it might help me get back into it again. I enjoyed it whilst I was reading it but then got taken over by other stuff!

jul 20, 2011, 6:57 am

Dee- Yes, please join us! I'm closing in on the halfway point! It's a trip!

jul 29, 2011, 7:24 am

Maybe a bit late to be joining in but the various comments I have seen on threads have piqued my interest and now I want to read it.

So I am not visiting the spoiler thread yet but I will be picking up a copy from the library next week.

aug 4, 2011, 6:31 am

Help - I've got my hands on a copy of Wind-up Bird Chronicle - can anybody tell me where the split is for the two spoiler threads?

My copy is split into three books and 39 chapters and I really don't want to visit the spoiler threads until I complete the correct section.



aug 4, 2011, 7:09 am

Calm- We read up until Chapter 13, (about midway) for Week 1. Go luck!

Redigeret: aug 4, 2011, 7:26 am

Thanks Mark. I think I can work out half way:) The first 300 or so pages.

Oops just took another look - there are three chapter 13s in the book and a total of 68 chapters!

For around half way I think that is chapter 13 in book 2 - "Creta Kano's Story continued". I will start reading soon.

aug 4, 2011, 6:17 pm

Calm- LOL! I made that mistake the 1st time too! See this heat is getting to me. Yes, it's Chapter 13, Book 2. Deepest apologies. Enjoy!

aug 8, 2011, 1:39 pm

The beauty of doing this on-line is that the deadlines get really fuzzy. I am about 100 pages from the end of this book and the journey is really interesting. See you over on the spoiler thread.