Book Series for Ellishanor

Series that books in Ellishanor's library belong to

Summary: 34 Series

Auschwitz Trilogy

Chronicles of Amber

The Chronicles of the Deryni

Le Cycle des Anges

Deryni Novels: chronological order

Deryni Novels: publication order

Deryni Novels: timeline


Dragaera: Vlad Taltos: Chronological Order

Dragaera: Vlad Taltos: Publication Order

Dragaera: Vlad Taltos: Wheel Order

Edie Kiglatuk

The Farseer Trilogy

First Chronicles of Amber

Harry Bosch

Harry Bosch Universe

Inspector Erlendur

Joe Coughlin

Lazzaro Santandrea

Marcus and Sandra Trilogy

Marcus Goldman


Oxford Time Travel

Penguin (Kourkov)

Petite bibliothèque Payot / Voyageurs

Poche, Arléa

Realm of the Elderlings

Saison Brune

Sandrone Dazieri

A Song of Ice and Fire


The Twelve Caesars


Wire in the Blood