
Rigtige navn
Steven Dunlap
Om mit bibliotek
Mostly paperbacks and contains books I either have not yet read or plan to re-read at some point in my life. Books I do not plan to re-read I give away or sell. I tend to trade Terry Pratchett books with friends, so I do not necessarily possess all the Discworld books I have listed. Likewise I have read all of Harry Harrison's "Stainless Steel Rat" books but no longer have them.

Note about my star ratings:
No star means I have not read or finished a book.
One half star means I hated the book and likely did not finish it for that reason.
Three stars does not mean bad: it's what we used to call "the gentleman's C" before the advent of non-sexist writing (and grade inflation).

In addition to books I have a set of "Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine" that runs from about 1984 to 1998. I also have a nearly complete run of an alternative media newsletter called "Lies of our Times," (circa 1990-1995).
About Me
Librarian. Likes bananas. Likes books. Says ook a lot.
San Francisco, California