Rigtige navn
Robin Gregory
Om mit bibliotek
I've been steadily downsizing my personal library (and everything else). Because of this, the number of books in my library won't be getting much larger; I say "much" larger, because I still seem to have weak moments when I allow my car to turn into bookstore parking lots--a fatal move, every time. Most of my reading will come from existing books that I haven't yet read, or from the public library. For now, at least, I'm not recording those as part of my library...but I may change my mind...I do that a lot.

As for what I read; right now I'm liking historical mysteries, African novels and African biographies, travel writing, books about books, some fantasy

About Me
Revisiting LibraryThing after being gone since...2009? Yikes! Still have a downsized personal library (owned books), as previously stated. I'm a missionary--back to the States on a home assignment, but hoping to return to Tanzania in early fall, 2015. Because of my "waywardness" I'm a big fan of public libraries and used book stores. Books weigh a lot on a airplane. I have a Kindle for emergency situations, but prefer the real thing. (the website listed is pretty out of date, too. I'll see what I can do...)
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
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