Om mit bibliotek
This library shows the books that Rory is enjoying, and ones I'm looking forward to sharing with him as he grows.

I'm going to read to him:
Toys go out: Being the adventures of a knowledgeable Stingray, a toughy little Buffalo, and someone called Plastic;
The Jamie and Angus stories;
Freckle juice;
The Pain and the Great One;
The lion, the Witch and the wardrobe;
The miraculous adventures of Edward Tulane;
The tale of Despereaux: Being the story of a mouse, a princess, some soup and a spool of thread;
Little Wolf's book of badness;
Maniac Magee;
Wonder Kid meets the evil lunch snatcher;
Dear God, help!!!! Love, Earl;
Under the mountain;
Two weeks with the Queen;
The Polar Express;
Because of Winn-Dixie;
Bottersnikes and Gumbles.

About Me
Our son Rory is two years old and has been read to since before he was born. He is extremely enthusiastic about books, which I encourage wholeheartedly as a librarian, teacher and book addict! I love reading children's and YA literature too, and there are so many fantastic authors and books I'm looking forward to introducing him to.
New Zealand
Local Favorites

Boghandlere: Wheelers Books

Biblioteker: Birkenhead Library, Glenfield Library, Northcote Library


Interessant bibliotek