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Om mit bibliotek
Many of my books have to do with my graduate studies, which focus on literacy and pedagogy. Outside of school, I'm not much of a classics buff: I'd rather read a bunch of fun mysteries or children's lit than read Tolstoy. It keeps me sane. And the rest of my books are pregnancy/childbirth related, since I'm a doula (prof. birth attendant) and have amassed a crazy pregnancy library (even though I don't have any kids, yet, myself).
About Me
- an education graduate student interested faculty development in higher ed.
- a teacher interested in american cultural studies.
- a doula, a nanny, and a future mother interested in women's health, women's rights, and pregnancy and childbirth.
- a children's/young adult lit fan.
- a mystery reader.
- a library haunter.
- attempting to read 50 books that are totally new to me this year. so far, so good!
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