
non-fiction (48), music (15), cults (12), charlatans (11), hoaxes (11), hoax (11), anti-Christian (11), heresy (11), non-Christian (11), satanic (11), occult (11), anti-Christians (11), cult (11), fraud (11), false (11), blasphemy (11), crackpot (11), statistics (10), kites (7), evil (6), music education (6), special education (5), fiction (5), humor (5), weird (4), reading (4), ADD (4), wacky (4), autographed (4), comedy (4), murder (4), pulp fiction (4), true crime (4), Orff (4), Orff-Schulwerk (4), Attention Deficit Disorder (4), reference (3), history (3), religion (3), scores (3), classics (2), adobe acrobat (2), psychology (2), Bible (2), Christian (2), autism (2), genealogy (2), French (1), biofeedback (1), intervention (1), crafts (1), belt buckles (1), California (1), catholic church (1), Beethoven (1), citations (1), behaviorism (1), skinner (1), Tiffany (1), genealogical sources (1), recorder (1), feminist tripe (1), mormonism (1), statics (1), brain (1), schools (1), learning (1), games (1), art (1), architecture (1), god (1), education (1), inspirational (1), ASD (1), literacy (1), sexism (1), motivational (1), Bach (1), cards (1), attention deficit (1), dictionary (1), pavlov (1), encouragement (1), dance (1), documentation (1), children (1), apa (1), eeg (1), animal training (1), reading comprehension (1), misandry (1), neurofeedback (1), Brahms (1), Keetman (1)
Nøgleordssky, Forfattersky, Nøgleordsspejl
Kommet til
Nov 3, 2006
Rigtige navn
Jeffry P. La Marca, Ph.D.
Om mit bibliotek

My personal library covers a broad range of topics: I've got a large collection of music and music related books, books on computers and programming, and books on education and educational psychology. I enjoy science (esp. books on neurofeedback, astronomy, space), genealogy, religion, men's topics, travel, and historical novels. I've recently developed a fascination with kites, kite making, and kite aerial photography so my collection in these areas is also growing.

Om mig

Yes, I'm a bookoholic. I've got so many books (many of which I still haven't cataloged yet) that I get calls from the Library of Congress when they need something (just kidding)! I tend to have very eclectic tastes and enjoy both non-fiction and fiction.

New Jersey
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