Rigtige navn
Om mit bibliotek
Mostly science fiction/fantasy, because that's my home base. I take great note of three things when tagging: genre (in relation to whether it's sff, nonsff, or nonfiction), author (and author's gender), and where/why the book was acquired. Those books marked "school" are only a small sample that I felt were important books for either enjoyment or what they taught me.
About Me
Human. Female. Writer. Graduate of UNF. Not quite sane. Fangirl. Devotee of shiny things. Scatterbrained. Packrat. Scribbler. Eclectic.

I live with the best fiancee in the world and a cornsnake named Nippy. I keep my pens and pencils in separate cups, have an obsession with paper that may or may not border on excessive, and I watch entirely too much TV.

I love book recommendations and will at least read a chapter of anything recommended to me. After that, no promises.
New York City, New York, USA, Earth, Milky Way Galaxy


Interessant bibliotek