
philosophy. (11), occult. (5), occult. witchcraft. (4), occult. Bible. satan. demon. deliverance. spiritual warfare. story. (4), scriptural (3), theology. (3), exorcism (2), philosophy. existentialism. phenomenology. (2), philosophy. existential. psychology. (2), philosophy. Thomism. (2), Taoist philosophy. (2), scriptural. theology. spiritual. (2), spiritual warfare. scriptural. (2), scriptural. (2), Thomism. theology. philosophy. (1), history. conspiracy. (1), history. witchcraft. (1), exorcism. devil. (1), philosophy. existential. (1), spirituality (1), spiritual warfare. deliverance. (1), scriptural. spiritual warfare. devil. occult. (1), scriptural. theology. (1), positive thinking. (1), Marian locutions. private revelation. (1), apologetics. theology. (1), Zen Buddhist philosophy. (1), Hindu Holy Book. (1), occult. philosophy. (1), religious anthropology. (1), history. mnemonics. occult Renaissance tradition. occult memory systems. (1), scriptural. spiritual warfare. curse theology. (1), quantum theory. (1), spiritual warfare. (1), philosophy (1), apologetics. (1), story (1), psychology. (1), mnemonics. (1), biblical. (1), vampire. psychic vampirism. occult. (1), deliverance. scriptural. (1), devil. (1), occult. vampire. (1), religion. philosophy. existentialism. phenomenology. cyphers. (1), story. Thomism. (1), wicca. witchcraft. (1), metaphysics. spirituality. Taoism. (1), metaphysics. (1), scriptural. spiritual warfare. biblical demonology. (1), vampire (1), metaphysics. conspiracy. (1), self-development. self-help. (1)
Nøgleordssky, Forfattersky, Nøgleordsspejl
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Sep 20, 2008
Om mit bibliotek
I read all these books in the past five years. The only one I have not finished reading is Anthropology of Religion, Magic, and Witchcraft. I'm still working on that one. But I'm also reading a bunch of other ones. Lately, I've decided to spend more time reading over again books I already read, and committing them to memory. It is more rewarding I think.
Om mig
Though a satanist, I like to think of myself as being bigger than any philosophical movement or religious community I identify with. I'm a seeker of knowledge and a firm believer in intellectual freedom.
Ventura County


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