
cusfs (2,756), comics (161), checked out (68), anthology (49), hardcover (42), shelved as hardcover (25), things Elizabeth loves (17), manga (12), awesome cover (12), this book doubles as a weapon (8), lost (7), games (7), Sean's Queue (7), D&D (6), shelved with hardcover (5), things Verity loves (5), feminism died when it saw this cover (4), no author (4), creepy cover (3), CATS! (3), story collection (3), not "My Immortal" (3), fighting dinosaurs (2), epic facial hair (2), shelved by title (2), missing (2), tentacles (2), sparkles (2), guide (2), stuff Justin likes (2), color coded morality (1), no you read that right (1), roboner (1), floating fish (1), snake eagles and a vampire (1), wearing a dress to a swordfight (1), knights with guns (1), endorsed by LeGuin (1), old people on cover (1), alum author (1), Justin is a cat lady (1), I think the art in Madoka is based on this cover (1), stuff Sean wants to read (1), based on a RP (1), sparkle arms (1), shelved under Beard (1), Sean's Priority Queue (1), orgies and insects (1), prince of persia-like (1), grignrian (1), drug induced writing (1), shelved under Silverberg (1), egg of fire (1), don't let Julia talk about dolphins (1), this author also wrote Conan the Buccaneer (1), this book double doubles as a weapon (1), there's probably porn in here (1), shelved by editor (1), shelved under Vance (1), dafuq (1), space samurai (1), hard to read cover (1), red haired water sprite (1), this cover could be a magic card (1), justin will judge you (1), pedostache (1), nose-penis (1), oh dear (1), Cthulhu (1), non-circ (1), hard cover (1), damaged (1), review copy (1), scriptbook (1), sex with robots (1), missing? (1), Cinderella story (1), zombies (1), xkcd (1), space opera (1), looks interesting (1), misleading title (1), feminist (1), Sword & Sorcery (1), comic (1), trilogy (1), signed copy (1), in space! (1), funny author name (1), green people fight back (1), shelved as rare (1), looks noir-esque (1), soft cover duplicate of hard cover (1), robot dolphins (1), robot pirate (1), rat bikini (1), women can read and wear clothes? (1), Romans have time machines (1), signed (1), shark sex (1), spaceship vs dinosaur (1), dresden with booze (1), Thunder Cats! (1), air sled (1), fighting robot horses (1), Ziff-Davis Published This? (1), OMG - this exists? (1), stuff Sean may find interesting (1), titular failure (1), oldest sci-fi ever (1)
Nøgleordssky, Forfattersky, Nøgleordsspejl
Kommet til
Nov 3, 2010
About Me

The Columbia University Science Fiction Society, also known as CUSFS, meets Wednesdays at 8:00 pm in 509 Hamilton, Columbia University Campus. Despite the name, we don't discriminate — both fantasy and science fiction are welcome. CUSFS is the proud owner of a large library, shows movies, and beginning this year even has a book club.

It's hard to say "Columbia University's Science Fiction Society" five times fast and rather painful to write it out over and over again, so we prefer the acronym. And since it's hard to say five letter sounds in a row, we usually say it "Cuss-fuss" instead of "CEE YOU ESS EFF ESS." But we'll understand you either way.

But don't worry about our name. Despite the words "Science Fiction" in there, we're not just about rocket ships and laser guns (but they are nice). We love fantasy, horror, comics, RPGs, video games and just about everything else geeky or fandom-related. Like movies? We show them! Like books? We've got this wonderful library full of them! Like roleplaying games? We run them! Just want to unwind with some fellow geeks? We do that in spades. And we even sacrifice virgins (no virgins harmed in the making of this sacrifice) and wrestle in the honor of the Great Cthulhu!

Interested in how we work in more gritty detail? Check out our Constitution and By-laws. We guarantee you that we're the only club on campus that is ready to survive a nuclear holocaust!

Want to stay up-to-date on our shenanigans? Sign up for our mailing list, over on the contact page! We'll see you at a meeting....or a con...or the movies!
