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Nøgleordssky, Forfattersky, Nøgleordsspejl
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Nov 20, 2007
Om mit bibliotek
I was a voracious consumer of books for many years. Recently (well, within the last 3-4 years), I decided to de-clutter my life in several ways, only one of which was selling or donating books I knew I'd never read again that don't have some significant reason to stay in my house. I am now an even more enthusiastic fan of public libraries and of a local independent bookstore that takes books in exchange for store credit, allowing me to 'recycle' my purchases. On at least two occasions I have read an entire book at the bookstore without buying it. That may make me a criminal, but I don't care.
Om mig
I go through periods of intense reading (mostly nonfiction, though you wouldn't suspect it to look at my list here--yet) and then drop off for a while.
Virginia, USA
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