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Nøgleordssky, Forfattersky, Nøgleordsspejl
Kommet til
Jan 28, 2011
Rigtige navn
Cate Kodo Juno
Om mig
My family calls me a butterfly because of my never-ending meanderings from interest to interest - "curiouser and curiouser". But these tend to concentrate around a few core areas of interest: Buddhism (I am an ordained Shingon Buddhist priest); Japanese cuisine (I teach 'shojin-ryori' - Japanese vegetarian cuisine based on Buddhist temple traditions); Japanese textiles (I have an extensive collection of pre-WWII art deco kimonos); Japanese literature (although in my 50s, I am presently studying for a degree in Japanese); Japanese art and architecture; Japanese color and design; Japanese film (especially classics); calligraphy (East and West); Oriental philosophy... well, I think you get the idea! Although I live on a beautiful rural property in the countryside of south-west Australia, I did spend 12 years living in Japan and it captured my soul - so I try to return there at least once a year and hope to be engaged in translation work on the completion of my degree. I welcome correspondence from any Japanophiles who find themselves wandering the corridors of my library.
Mandurah, Western Australia

