
Rigtige navn
Virginia Currah
Om mit bibliotek
I hate to admit that there are a lot of guilty pleasures, pulp fiction and easy reads in my collection, and when I love an author, I like to read everything that that author has written, even if in some cases, each book is much the same as the rest: John Grisham, Jonathan Kellerman, Sue Grafton, Robin Cook, Alexander McCall Smith, Lilian Jackson Braun (RIP) and more. Other authors I like are Michael Slade, Stephen King, SARK (Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy - what a great name *and* acronym), Ira Levin... So many! I do try to intersperse literature in with these. In this category, a couple I've read recently would be "Possession" by A.S. Byatt and "The Basic Kafka," short stories by Franz Kafka. As I always complain to my partner, I wish for one year there could be a moratorium on new books, so that I could catch up! The only way I can possibly get through even *half* my "To Read" list would be to take a speed reading course! Sigh...
About Me
I'm in my 40s, living with my partner Randy and two crazy, silly cats: Mouse (orange tabby male, aged 12) and Popcorn (all- black female, aged 1)! We live in a high-rise building downtown within walking distance to most places we go on a regular basis, which is nice. I'm not currently working due to a chronic health condition, but I'm trying to use the time to work on my weight (need to lose over 100 lbs.) and educate myself on more healthful eating. (I joined Calorie Count to help with this, and have lost ~70 lbs. so far.) I love to read, and am trying to read a book a month at least.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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