
Nøgleordssky, Forfattersky, Nøgleordsspejl
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Jan 26, 2016
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Steph Laymon
Om mit bibliotek
My shelves consist of a variety of genres. I have a pathetically short attention span, so I change genres a lot. I have been whittling away on 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die, as well as a couple of other classic literary lists.
The Latest Concentration: Brilliant Masterpieces Written Within Our Time. ie: A Death Foretold, The Vegetarian
Om mig
CURRENTLY READING: Into the Water by Paula Hawkins

RECENTLY FINISHED: Mrs. Jeffries Dusts for Clues by Emily Brightwell

2018 Goal: 14/26 Books

I love how reading can stretch imagination, mind, and beliefs and with so many books to read, I no longer try to read books that don't have the potential to:
- make me see my world differently
- give me something to really ponder
- stay with me for a lifetime
- give me opportunities for the best discussions
- make me a better person.

My life experiences are fairly limited. I have never been oppressed because of my sexuality, gender, or for the color of my skin. I have never lived in a different time, I have never been homeless, in danger of starving, addicted to drugs or alcohol, etc. When I read about a different time, place, or situation, I am transformed. I can completely immerse myself in another world, not just for fun, but for a truly life changing experience.

I dig books that make me think, books that make me feel, NOT books that are too damn pretentious for their own good. Just because a book won some highfalutin award doesn't mean I want to read it. I hate the work of authors who try too hard.
Alabama, USA
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