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May 15, 2021
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Mix of Biography, Commentary, Fiction, History, Humor, and Poetry. More than I expect to be able to list but will keep adding, as time permits. The quick tour, in addition to favorites listed below: Fiction of Forster, Hemingway, Lawrence, Laxness, Scott, Twain, and Icelandic sagas; Biography by Ellis, Isaacson, Manchester, and Meacham; Poetry is mainly American, Australian, British, French, Old Icelandic; Nonfiction on arts, education, English language, politics, science, and travel.

Maybe not everyone will agree that reading and writing are acts of thinking. For example, Ray Bradbury put a sign over his typewriter which read "Don't think!" on the principle, he said, that " must feel. Your intellect is always buried in that feeling anyway." Perhaps the sign helped Mr. Bradbury follow his own imperative; yet he seemed to feel his writing did also involve thinking. Maybe he just advocated feeling over thinking to avoid a writer's sin of over-thinking. And writing from the heart to the heart, even to move the mind, most would acknowledge is good advice.

Whether we believe language is driven by thought or that thought is driven by language, whatever the debunkers of book-learning might claim, it's a no-brainer that the love of words is important. The questions Why read? Why write? have different answers for each of us. And the interplay of feelings and ideas might be different again at different times, making the worlds of words so enjoyable, ever-changing, and engaging.

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