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Nøgleordssky, Forfattersky, Nøgleordsspejl
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Jun 28, 2006
Rigtige navn
If you know me, you'll be able to guess by now.
Om mit bibliotek
The more I hang around this site, the more I realize my library is pathetically small for someone who was always identified as "a big reader" growing up. What can I say- I use the library a lot. I only buy a book if I really, really, want it, really, really like it, and can't get it at the library. Most of the books I actually own are childhood or young adult favorites, and most of them still reside at my parent's house. (Sorry, Mom & Dad! I'll sort through them next time I'm out there, promise!)
About Me
20-something, scientist, astro geek, fantasy geek, whedon geek, indie geek, ailurophile, feminist, sings(okay), plays bass(poorly), daughter of a librarian/early childhood educator, daughter of an agricultural historian/park administrator, wife of a very mellow AMO theorist, sister of cool guy who likes computers, American, 4th generation Czech, Nth generation English, baptized UCC, theologically-minded atheist... what else ya want?
Grinnell, IA
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