
Science Fiction (97), Terry Pratchett (61), History: Church (50), Spirituality: General (47), Theology: General (41), Biography (37), History: General (37), Canon Law: General (34), Church (33), Liturgy (31), Reference (23), Canon Law: Texts (21), Vatican (21), Classics (21), Prelates (16), Politics (16), Literature (14), Spirituality: Priesthood (14), David Eddings (13), Transport (13), Canon Law: Marriage (12), Travel (11), The Queen (11), Civil Law (11), Saints (10), Robert Jordan (10), Canon Law: Commentary (10), Ratzinger/Benedict (10), Music (9), Travel: Rome (9), Languages (9), St Francis de Sales (9), Eastern Churches (9), Theology: Morals (8), Humour (7), Action (7), Priesthood (7), Novel (7), Canon Law: Processes (7), Christian Anthropology (7), Catechism (7), Modernism (6), Latin (6), C.S. Lewis (6), Science (6), J.R.R. Tolkien (6), Canon Law: Tesi (6), Scripture: General (6), History: Scotland (5), Philosophy (5), Belloc (5), Scripture: Texts (4), 1917 Code (4), Canon Law: Clergy (4), Theology: Sacraments (Confession) (4), Cardinal Heenan (4), Theology: Sacraments (Eucharist) (4), A219 (4), Cure d'Ars (4), Scripture: Introduction (4), Vestments etc. (4), History: Byzantium (4), Cookery (3), Lent (3), Theology: Christology (3), History: Rome (3), Empire (3), Canon Law: Religious (3), Dumbarton (2), Theology: Sacraments (Marriage) (2), Spirituality: Confession (2), Scripture: Commentary (2), Theology: Sacraments (2), Literature: Apologetics (2), Canon Law: Parishes (2), Roman Law (2), Devotional (2), Protestantism (2), Church of England (2), Celibacy (1), Liturgy: Protestant (1), Canon Law: Presbyterian (1), Canon Law: Anglican (1), Papacy (1), Spirituality: The Mass (1), Christmas (1), Opinion (1), Preaching (1), Theology: Sacraments (Holy Orders) (1), Canon Law: Sacraments (1), Church of Scotland (1)
Nøgleordssky, Forfattersky, Nøgleordsspejl
Kommet til
May 23, 2007
Om mit bibliotek
Mostly Spirituality and Canon Law, but with theology, history, and plenty of science fiction thrown in, and a few other books that seemed interesting at the time...
Om mig
I am a Roman Catholic priest in Scotland


Interessant bibliotek