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About My Library

My hoard consists mostly of adult sci-fi and fantasy and middle-grade of all genres. But you will also find a smattering of historical fiction, literary fiction, romance, and comics/graphic novels/manga, as well as a sliver of YA. I have a small collection of antique books, mostly for the aesthetic, as well as children's picture books for the art.

Some of my favorite authors include Tanith Lee, Charles de Lint, Christopher Moore, Marie Brennan, George R. R. Martin, Walter Moers, Paolo Bacigalupi, Bryan Lee O'Malley, Naoko Takeuchi, R.J. Theodore, Garth Nix, , Martha Wells, Becky Chambers, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

About Me

Reading books and collecting books are two different hobbies (a hill I'll die on).

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