
Nøgleordssky, Forfattersky, Nøgleordsspejl
Kommet til
Nov 21, 2006
Om mit bibliotek

Current Collections:

'Your Library' - books I own

'Currently Reading' - self-explanatory, often not updated

'Films/Documentaries/TV Shows' - all visual media

'Music & Sound' - all auditory media

'Games' - video games

'Ephemera & More' - other material that does not fit elsewhere

'Books to Reacquire' - books that I once owned and would like to reacquire

'Books no longer owned, likely not to reacquire' - books that I once owned and probably will not purchase again

'WANTED! Dead or Alive' - my wishlist, books I have never owned

*This is, as always, a work in progress. Tags are a perpetual mess. I create them, decide I don't like them, delete them, and do it all over again.
Om mig

"Ah lucklesse babe, born vnder cruell starre,
And in dead parents balefull ashes bred,
Full litle weenest thou, what sorrowes are
Left thee for portion of thy liuelihed,
Poore Orphane in the wide world scattered,
As budding braunch rent from the natiue tree,
And throwen forth, till it be withered:
Such is the state of men: thus enter wee
Into this life with woe, and end with miseree."
- Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, Book II, Canto II

"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stomping on a human face - for ever." - George Orwell

"Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats." - H. L. Mencken

"The need to go astray, to be destroyed, is an extremely private, distant, passionate, turbulent truth." - Georges Bataille

"I believe the truth has only one face: that of a violent contradiction." - Georges Bataille

"Love knows no virtue, no merit; it loves and forgives and tolerates everything because it must. We are not guided by reason..." - Leopold von Sacher-Masoch

"Nothing grows old-fashioned so fast as modernity." - Robertson Davies


Interessant bibliotek