Om mit bibliotek
My library is quite possibly the most random mix of books, journals and research papers there is. I have everything from cheesy romance books to the practice and principles of constitutional law, the classics to the trendy book of the week, OSHA Regulations to the complete history of video games. Ever since I was a wee little thing, I wanted to know everything about everything! Reading has been my go to for this insatiable lust for useless knowledge for over 25 years.

Know of a good book? Please let me know! My insomnia will be forever grateful to you!
About Me
Hi! I'm Kaz. Gamer. PsyD candidate. Blogger. Bibliophile. I read... A LOT. Some of it is just for fun, some of it is for school, and some of it is for reviewing on my blog.

When I am not reading books, I am listening to them on my long commute. It's probably a sickness at this point, if I am being honest.

