
fiction (204), author studies (159), chapter books (107), nonfiction (102), science (74), social studies (57), teacher favorites (57), holidays (57), mammals (53), familiar friends (48), famous fiction (46), writing (43), vocabulary (42), text to self (38), grammar (38), math (35), fairy tales (33), stories (33), beginning of the year favorites (31), October (29), plants (28), insects (27), Dr. Seuss (26), Reptiles&Amphibians (26), poetry (26), Science (25), earth science (24), December (23), January (21), Birds (20), winter (20), animals (16), listening centers (15), space (11), body (11), planets (11), penguins (9), weather (9), self esteem (9), earth day (7), environment (7), government (7), az unit (6), desert (6), mystery (5), November (5), engine-uity (4), civil rights (4), wordless picture books (4), alphabet (4), map skills (4), February (3), Tacky (3), gifted (3), Sequencing (3), birds (3), auther studies (3), Non Fiction (3), careers (3), comic books (3), survival (2), gingerbread adaptations (2), matter (2), art extensions (2), Duplicate (1), french (1), november (1), BME (1), March (1), beginning of the year (1), reptiles (1), habitat (1), alliteration (1), animal homes (1), seasons (1), school (1), immigration (1), inventors (1)
Nøgleordssky, Forfattersky, Nøgleordsspejl
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Oct 28, 2010
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Joanna Mena
Om mit bibliotek
This library is for my classroom resources only. My "grown up" library is not quite large enough to need LibraryThing. My classroom library, however, is too big to remember what I have and I often forget I have things and buy extra copies. I also forget what I use to teach certain concepts and have random lists all over to try and remind myself. I look forward to using the tags option to really organize my collection.
About Me
I am a second grade teacher in Phoenix, Arizona and I LOVE children's books!! I love to read historical fiction, mystery, and memoirs.
Phoenix, Arizona

