Frank Wright (skeln forfatterne fra hinanden)

"Frank Wright" er sammensat af mindst 7 forskellige forfattere, opdelt efter deres værker.

Om forfatteren

Includes the name: Frank Wright, Ph.D.

Author Division

Frank Wright (1)

Pastoral Care Revisited (1996) 19 eksemplarer
Pastoral Care for Lay People (2012) 17 eksemplarer
Exploration into Goodness (2012) 8 eksemplarer
The Pastoral Nature of Healing (1985) 5 eksemplarer
Invisible Network (1989) 1 eksemplar

Almen Viden

Oplysning om flertydighed
1. Wright, Frank, b. 1922, author of pastoral care books
2. Wright, Frank, 1948-1993, political scientist
3. Wright, Frank, 1938-2003, historian
4. Wright, Frank, author of Hi Sweetie! One Husband's Approach
5. Wright, Frank, 1932- Paintings by Frank Wright, March 3-20, 1981
6. Wright, Frank 1897- Telegraph Tourists
7. Frank Wright (9 July 1935 – 17 May 1990) - Frank Wright Trio