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Værker af Jon Wells

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Backstory: I got this book by mistake.

I ordered a manga, and got this instead. They refunded my money, told me to keep the book, but still wouldn't give me my manga. I pitched a hissy fit and then read the book, hoping it would be terrible so I could continue throwing a fit.

I don't normally read a lot of true crime, but I'm not sure why. I'm a big fan of forensic mysteries, and the more realistic they are the better (I can't stand dramatized portrayals of forensic science). As I read the first few chapters of Vanished, I found myself getting irritated because it wasn't much of a mystery. The killer was caught almost immediately and there was no doubt that he did it. So what was the rest of the book supposed to be about?

A lot. I really like that Jon Wells actually told the story in the order that it was discovered. It really was like I was sitting in the passenger seat of the police car, learning at the same pace as the task force.

I like true crime because of its obvious realism (and perhaps I have a morbid fascination with real life horrors), but I wish, probably along with everyone else, that I could see the inner thoughts of all of the people. Not just the murderer, but everyone. I trust the physical evidence, but I'm always doubting witness accounts. Sure Danielle said this, but was it true? Why should I trust her? But I can't fault Wells with this, as there's just no way to know.

Anyway. It was good.
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BrynDahlquis | Jun 15, 2017 |
James Kopp is a representation of everything that is wrong with the world today - regardless of whether you believe in God, Allah, the Flying Spaghetti Monster or a giant floating banana in the sky only you can see no one should force their religious views (or lack thereof) on to others whether through lobbying, legislation or violence.

James Kopp took it upon himself to shoot 5 Doctors who performed abortions under the guise that this would "save" unborn children, the final shooting resulting in death and Mr Kopp going on the lam.

This book covers briefly covers his early life, provides an overview of the anti-abortion (or pro-life) movement, goes over Mr Kopp's increasing activism and the shootings themselves. Following this it covers his flight from justice and the international man hunt which resulted in him finally being arrested in France after narrowly escaping being arrested in Ireland. The final chapters are then dedicated to the trials of James Kopp & two associates who helped enable him to remain on the run.

I read this book not out of interest of the man, but of the circumstances surrounding the case, I found that this aspect is well covered. If you're looking for a pro-life or pro-choice book this isn't it - this book gives the facts, it's up to you to read what you want from them.

That being said however, I think most rational people would agree going on a shooting spree does not aid your cause; history has also shown the violence of the pro-life movement to have been utterly ineffectual.
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HenriMoreaux | Mar 30, 2013 |




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