Forfatter billede

Stella Weller

Forfatter af The Yoga Back Book

45 Works 196 Members 4 Reviews

Værker af Stella Weller

The Yoga Back Book (1993) 34 eksemplarer
Good Housekeeping Complete Yoga (2001) 33 eksemplarer
Yoga - A Busy Person's Guide (2003) 16 eksemplarer
The Yoga Box (2002) 9 eksemplarer
Yoga For Children (1996) 5 eksemplarer
Easy Pregnancy With Yoga (1978) 5 eksemplarer
Licht op Adem (2000) 3 eksemplarer
Super natural immune power (1989) 3 eksemplarer
Yoga på fem minutter (2007) 2 eksemplarer
Yoga for Long Life (1997) 2 eksemplarer
Jooga seljaraamat (2010) 1 eksemplar
Terre de jouvence (1991) 1 eksemplar
prendre soin de son dos (2009) 1 eksemplar
Održavanje leđa (2010) 1 eksemplar
Complete Yoga (2001) 1 eksemplar
Gravidanza serena con lo yoga (1992) 1 eksemplar

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British Guiana
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
London, UK
British Guiana
Charing Cross Hospital, London
registered nurse
yoga teacher
Surrey Parks and Recreation Commission
Surrey Memorial Hospital
Kort biografi
Stella Weller was born in British Guiana, known since Independance as Guyana. At the conclusion of her education in South America, Stella travelled to England where she trained as a State Registered Nurse at London’s famous Charing Cross Hospital. She is married with two adult children and now lives in Canada, where for more than 15 years, she worked in the Department of Psychiatry at Surrey Memorial Hospital in British Columbia, caring for clients with a wide range of stress-related and other disorders.

After studying Hatha yoga in Vancouver, Stella went on to become an instructor in Hatha, conducting classes for the Surrey Parks and Recreation Commission and other facilities. She has also taught stress management for the Surrey School District. Not only have the disciplines inherent in yoga become an integral part of Stella’s life, but she has also taught certain techniques to her clients, particularly those with conditions such as depression and anxiety.

She is the author of ‘Yoga for Children’, ‘The Yoga Back Book’, ‘Easy Pregnancy with Yoga’ and ‘Yoga Therapy’.

Stella has been a guest on television and radio in the USA, Canada, UK and Australia.

from Harper Collins, Discover Authors: Stella Weller



The Yoga Back Book offers an ideal programme for the millions of people sufffering from backache and related problems. It is a gentle yet effective approach to attaining and maintaining spinal health without drugs or surgery.

With the healp of sixty clear black and white drawings you'll learn-

Safe, simple, controlled stretching exercises done with concentration and synchronized breathing.
To sit, stand, bend, get up and lie down without harming your back or incurring pain.
To become more sensitive to the warning signals of an impending back problem and what you can do to prevent it.
Numerous relaxation techniques you can incoprporate into daily schedules to help you cope effectively wiith stress.

Stella Weller is a Registered Nurse who has taught yoga and stress management techniques to hundreds of students.


1 Back basics
2 Body moves
3 Diet for a healthy back
4 Warming up and cooling down
5 Essential back exercises
6 Abdominal backing
7 Using the legs to spare the back
8 Relaxing for a pain-free back
9 Back talk for special needs
… (mere)
AikiBib | May 29, 2022 |
Este libro informa cómo están constituidos el pelo, piel y uñas. Enseña por qué el estrés, el tabaco, el alcohol, la nutrición deficiente y algunos medicamentos pueden perjudicarlos y dañar su belleza natural. Las recomendaciones de Stella Weller sobre técnicas de ejercicio, relajación, mejora de la dieta y reducción del estrés, sirven para mejorar las condiciones y el aspecto de los cabellos, piel y uñas de una manera natural.
Gerardo.Pocovi5g | Feb 18, 2021 |
A wonderful book for anyone who wishes to reclaim their health in a gental and natural way. Easy to follow and understand.
LadyBlossom | Jun 4, 2007 |

Licht op Adem geeft u praktisch inzicht in uw ademhaling en het belang daarvan voor uw gezondheid. Een verstoorde ademhaling kan leiden tot allerlei problemen. Dit boek beschrijft hoe bewust ademen u kan helpen om uw fysieke en psychische welbevinden te verbeteren.

Na enkele informatieve algemene hoofdstukken, vindt u in Licht op Adem een groot aantal praktische oefeningen. Deze zullen u helpen het hoofd te bieden aan vermoeidheid, nervositeit, slapeloosheid en depressie. Er zijn ook oefeningen die speciaal gericht zijn op ontspanning tijdens de geboorte van uw kind. Andere zijn geschikt om de longfunctie te verbeteren bij astma, emfyseem of bronchitis.

Adem is in de letterlijke zin leven-gevend. In oosterse filosofieën is het belang van een juiste ademhaling altijd sterker benadrukt dan bij ons. Zonder deze filosofische achtergronden uit te diepen, geeft de praktische opzet van Licht op Adem u wel snel toegang tot de fysieke voordelen van een goede ademtechniek.

Licht op Adem maakt deel uit van de Servire Basisreeks, een serie inleidingen in levensbeschouwing en psychologie.
… (mere)
Butterflywings |

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