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83+ Værker 4,247 Medlemmer 72 Anmeldelser 2 Favorited


Don’t think I’ve ever rated a book it took me 15 seconds to read before. Or gave a charity book a 1 star rating before. Look, I just want those 15 seconds back.
lelandleslie | 9 andre anmeldelser | Feb 24, 2024 |
I'm sure that by the time his presidency ends, whether in less than a year or 4.5 more years, this will be updated to be much bigger and probably consist of many different volumes.
booksonbooksonbooks | 2 andre anmeldelser | Jul 24, 2023 |
I'm sure that by the time his presidency ends, whether in less than a year or 4.5 more years, this will be updated to be much bigger and probably consist of many different volumes.
booksonbooksonbooks | 2 andre anmeldelser | Jul 24, 2023 |
Docked a star for his views on oil and climate change.
kylecarroll | 10 andre anmeldelser | Jul 17, 2023 |
A great cause—relief for hurricane Florence victims—but a lame book. There was so much more material that could have been included but inexplicably was not. Oh well.
wildh2o | 9 andre anmeldelser | Jul 10, 2021 |
Look, Donald Trump on Donald Trump was never going to get a rave review from me. We all know this. But my gosh, this was probably one of the deadliest dull books I have ever read in my entire life. It's predictably boring in a way that defies even Fifty Shades of Grey to out-beige. I bet Trump thinks this is The Art of War for aspiring yuppies like Patrick Bateman, but it's really Mein Kampf for lazy, entitled trust fund babies.

The good news is that I have *plenty* of material on Trump as yuppie icon for the article on which I'm working.
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DrFuriosa | 22 andre anmeldelser | Dec 4, 2020 |
It's exactly how I thought it would be. Where do I begin?

Donald Trump is a great entrepreneur, and businessman, but seems to be a shallow, pompous, and rather self-absorbed individual. There are many moments in the book that are devoted to shameless self-promotion, and there are many paragraphs that have the phrase "I'm really rich" sprinkled in for no particular reason. The "About the Author" section is longer than some of the chapters, and is basically a long list of projects that he funded, or famous landmarks that he owns. The entire book just seems like a long promotional boast peppered with his "political agenda" and his backstory. Don't get me wrong, I definitely have a little more respect for him as a businessman after reading this, but this text just reinforces his crooked, bigoted, and racist views. His mindset, and his approach to politics are reminiscent of his business acumen, but indicate a serious lack of understanding as far as the political sphere is concerned.
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Absolution13 | 10 andre anmeldelser | Oct 6, 2020 |
I'm sure that by the time his presidency ends, whether in less than a year or 4.5 more years, this will be updated to be much bigger and probably consist of many different volumes.
swmproblems | 2 andre anmeldelser | Jul 4, 2020 |
I commend the ghostwriter.
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hatingongodot | 22 andre anmeldelser | May 3, 2020 |

The Art of the Deal is a book about Trump's experience as a business man. It starts off with an average week in the life of Trump. Trump then talks about his childhood and family. Biggie T moves on to his work in Brooklyn and move to Manhattan. The Donald talks about some of his projects like developing the Grand Hotel and Trump Tower. He also talks about various other projects that he worked on during that time. Orange Man then talks about his experience renovating the Wollman Rink, a public ice rink in Manhattan. Trump ends the book book with a recount of how the projects he did turned out.


This book was definitely a book that exists. I got much more ironic value out of this than anything. If this was a review on how funny I thought this was, it would be a 5/5. I just get kick from all the little things of this book, as it is unlike any biography I have ever read. The smallest things like how the font size is so unnecessarily large and the thickness of the text were what made me enjoy this book the most. The absolute casualness of Trump's writing is what really gets me. The hilarity of this book does wear off after a while when the entire joke of "haha funny orange man makes book" gets old. If anyone just wants to read a biography that isn't too serious and want to have a few chuckles at it, I'd definitely go for Art of the Deal.½
LDowningELA.4 | 22 andre anmeldelser | Mar 25, 2020 |
I want to understand Donald Trump better, so I thought I should read his first book, written before he was a national figure. Although it's written with many anecdotes that presumably you can use in your own life, it's more of an autobiography and less of a 'how-to' book. Disappointingly, it wasn't until after reading it that I realized it has a co-author, and I suspect that Trump himself merely approved the final copy without truly taking the time for reflection and introspection that a good autobiography requires.
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richardSprague | 22 andre anmeldelser | Mar 22, 2020 |
Interesting to pick up this book which is kind of a primer text for what was the Trump University courses. Donald Trump is an easy target for critics as we see everyday and much could be aimed and his homilies presented in this book. However one thing has to be admitted, though some wouldn't, that he does manage to get things done more so than most.

The book is divided into short subject topic in which Trump expounds on his personal philosophies of success and business. Many of the ideas are simplistic phraseology that emphasize giving it your all, and to get it tiger. Things like that nearly every motivational how to book will lay upon you. Though one may snicker at these directives there is still the common thread that effort produces results, and enthusiasm generally wins out over sarcasm.

Trump is never short on self promotion in the book and his ego driven life that we witness everyday is on full display here. Yet when one reads between the lines and looks for some of the cracks in the strategies they are also apparent. Like the failure of Trump University itself. And the infamous bail out in which he was rescued by the banking gods, when he could very well have been bankrupted. And with this we would have seen probably a different day, and certainly not the ascension to political power.
knightlight777 | Nov 9, 2019 |
A good insight into the thoughts and visions of Donald Trump. Imo, Trump has courage, Grit and vision for the future. He also has a kind heart surprisingly.

He's right to say there is no law if law is not enforced. The issues on illegal immigrants needs to be addressed, not swept under the carpet with sweet talk by some politicians.

There's also issues with media manipulation by rogue journalists, US Army working for free in other countries, Isis threat not properly dealt with, China.
Wendy_Wang | 10 andre anmeldelser | Sep 28, 2019 |
The art of the deal is about management, leadership mentality. It’s a kind of biography presenting the life of Donald Trump until the ’90s – way before he thought about the American presidency. If you’ve ever tried to figure out how were people making money in the United States, you will find out that the real estate market was a great place to do that. Then, sooner or later, Donald Trump’s name comes up inevitably because he did many great deals and he, eventually, made a lot of money.

Now, this is not a political message, don’t interpret it like that and be rational. You can like the man or be totally opposite, that’s not the point here. Nevertheless, I have to say that this is a brilliant book. If you’ve ever wondered how does someone at that level of working with hundreds of millions of dollars operate and make deals or what kind of deals they make? How were those deals structured and what was his thinking behind this decision-process, this is the book for you as Donald Trump reveals all of this. Simply saying, he walks you through a few of his transactions and presents the people and his strategy behind these deals. Most importantly he keeps the story really interesting.

Anyway, Donald Trump comes from a real estate family. His father, Fred Trump, was a renowned real estate developer on the outskirts of New York. He became a wealthy business person for building row properties in South Brooklyn. This way Donald Trump was already introduced into the real estate market as a child and when he came of age he decided to pursue a career in the real estate business. On the other hand, he didn’t want to stay in some niche and had his eyes set on Manhattan, the property capital of the world. However, the book doesn’t concentrate only on New York. You will find other deals in Atlanta and other cities where he was developing his other projects.

There are a few key points from the book which I’d like to mention below. Treat them as principles followed by Trump in his business and political (my assumption) career:

1. Think big, be obsessive and driven
2. Protect the downside and the upside will take care of itself which means to be very conservative in business. It’s better to pay a higher price for a sure thing rather than putting your business at risk
3. Maximise your options – be flexible and never be attached to one option, deal or approach. Keep as many options open as possible. Furthermore, if you took one way still hold other options at hand in order to deliver your goal
4. Know your market – don’t waste too much money on market research and surveys. Get there on your own and talk to real people until you know the market by instinct. Next, trust your gut feeling. Honestly, I’m not so sure about this point. Maybe in the ’80s market surveys weren’t so reliable, nowadays when we have AI, big data etc. I would rather go for it
5. Enhance your location – this rule is specific to the property business. Keep your property spotless and tidy and keep an eye on their surrounding as it’s one of the major price factors... (if you like to read my full review please visit my blog https://leadersarereaders.blog/the-art-of-the-deal/)
LeadersAreReaders | 22 andre anmeldelser | Jun 5, 2019 |
Too sad to be funny, and maybe the execution was a little too rushed. It's not well drawn, and some of the pictures make very little sense.
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villemezbrown | 9 andre anmeldelser | Jan 9, 2019 |
Funny. Sad state of affairs. But profits going to hurricane relief
kathmcd73 | 9 andre anmeldelser | Jan 1, 2019 |
How to comment if you have no soul!

Whose Boat is This Boat? is not a book about you Donald, sorry! It is about your sorry soulless heart. His comments show he is totally unable to understand and show empathy. One of probably a few people in the world to truly lack a soul and we have him as the leader of our country! The rest are in the GOP House and Senate!
MontzaleeW | 9 andre anmeldelser | Nov 30, 2018 |
My two books arrived today. I'm rather sorry I didn't just enter them twice, instead of using the number of copies feature, and I'll separate them later.

They're moderately funny. I bought them because the proceeds went to charity, and because I can give one of them away, and still have it. It's clever enough, and puts across the point, which is precisely what the title suggested it was for. Should you buy this book? Sure, if you like to collect such things, and I am happy to have it. You may also just give directly to the relief funds it is meant to support, if you'd prefer.

I'll be glad when the politicking is over; there are things that need doing, and we all ought to be contributing to our community, in whatever way we can.

I should note that the artwork may be the best part of the book. It's pointed, and accurate, and I saw those faces, or faces like them, when this event first happened.

ETA: I just deleted the second copy, which I gave away to a friend. I deleted it, rather than just marking it as read but unowned, since it was the only option that made sense. I regret adding the second copy. It's still a worthwhile book to own, and my friend enjoyed it.½
Lyndatrue | 9 andre anmeldelser | Nov 6, 2018 |
A good insight into the thoughts and visions of Donald Trump. Imo, Trump has courage, Grit and vision for the future. He also has a kind heart surprisingly.

He's right to say there is no law if law is not enforced. The issues on illegal immigrants needs to be addressed, not swept under the carpet with sweet talk by some politicians.

There's also issues with media manipulation by rogue journalists, US Army working for free in other countries, Isis threat not properly dealt with, China.
Jason.Ong.Wicky | 10 andre anmeldelser | Oct 9, 2018 |
I read this a couple of decades ago. Was not impressed at the time by the massive ego on display. Trump has not done anything in the intervening years to change my opinion. If anything, I think less of him now since witnessing his behavior as POTUS.½
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ScoLgo | 22 andre anmeldelser | Sep 19, 2018 |
Read under protest, but was challenged by a Trump supporter to read something by/about him other than news reports/stories. -- And I was pleasantly surprised! There are some ideas here that actually sound like good ones. The author makes a cogent argument, for example, for addressing the problem of poor public education by creating something of a free market -- poor schools will fail or shape up. I also found his arguments in favor of a Social Security lockbox also interesting and persuasive. -- Of course, I have not heard *any* mention from Candidate Trump or President Trump of the idea he outlines in these pages of a one-time 14.25% tax on all individuals/trusts with a new worth in excess of $10 million dollars. He claims that this would raise $5.7 trillion in new revenue, retire the national debt, and put Social Security on a firmer footing. (I rather doubt he'd've been elected had he touted this!) -- On the whole, while there were a number of things with which I thoroughly disagreed, I confess that there was much food for thought here...and even some suitable policies to pursue.
David_of_PA | Jul 14, 2018 |