John Swinton (skeln forfatterne fra hinanden)

"John Swinton" er sammensat af mindst 2 forskellige forfattere, opdelt efter deres værker.

Om forfatteren

Includes the name: John Swinton (ED)

Author Division

John Swinton (1)

Disability in the Christian Tradition: A Reader (2012) — Redaktør — 54 eksemplarer

John Swinton (ukendt)

The Providence of God: Deus habet consilium (2009) — Bidragyder — 30 eksemplarer

Almen Viden

Oplysning om flertydighed
There are two John Swintons:

1. "John Swinton is Professor of Practical Theology and Pastoral Care, and chair in Divinity and Religious Studies at the School of Divinity, History, and Philosophy, University of Aberdeen." (from the back cover of Practical Theology and Qualitative Research, 2nd Ed.)

2. John Swinton (1809-1921) was a journalist who was most famous for being the chief editorial writer of the New York Times in the 1860s.