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Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki (1870–1966)

Forfatter af An Introduction to Zen Buddhism

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A student of the Zen master Shaku Soen, who addressed the 1893 World's Parliament of Religions held in Chicago, D. T. Suzuki did more to introduce Zen to Westerners than any other representative of that tradition. Shaku Soen sent the young Suzuki to America in 1897 to help Paul Carus translate the vis mere Chinese text the Dao De Jing. Suzuki remained in America for about a decade, working at Carus' Open Court Publishing Company outside Chicago. After Suzuki returned to Japan, he married an American woman, Beatrice Lane, in 1911, and they began publishing an English journal, The Eastern Buddhist, in 1921. During this time in Japan, Suzuki translated into Japanese a number of Swedenborgian texts. He traveled to China in 1934, and he went to London in 1936 to attend the World Congress of Faiths. Suzuki recognized that the West had much to offer the East, but like Swami Vivekananda, he was convinced that the East had much to offer the West in its religion and philosophy. On this basis he was motivated to write about Zen in English. Suzuki wrote about 30 books in English and many more in Japanese. Suzuki's first books in English were a translation of Ashvaghosha's Discourse on the Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana (1900) and Outlines of Mahayana Buddhism (1907). A practitioner of Rinzai Zen Buddhism, Suzuki, in his writings about the ultimate experience of satori and the meditative use of koans, made Zen terms almost household words in the United States. In the early part of the twentieth century, Suzuki devoted himself to the propagation of Zen via his writings. After World War II he became a noted lecturer on Zen at American and European universities. That Suzuki's work was effective can be seen in the fact that Zen was picked up in the 1950s by California beatniks, producing what was termed Beat Zen. From that time on, Americans increasingly began to go to Japan to study Zen, and more Zen masters began to come to the United States to teach. The earliest institutions devoted to the practice of Zen in America were established in San Francisco in 1928, in Los Angeles in 1929, and in New York City in 1931. Zen centers remain an important part of the American urban scene, and several of them have established rural Zen retreat centers. (Bowker Author Biography) vis mindre
Image credit: Mihoko Okamura


Værker af Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki

An Introduction to Zen Buddhism (1954) 1,120 eksemplarer
Zen and Japanese Culture (1938) 685 eksemplarer
Manual of Zen Buddhism (1934) 516 eksemplarer
Zen Buddhism and Psychoanalysis (1960) 398 eksemplarer
Essays in Zen Buddhism, First Series (1961) 289 eksemplarer
Mysticism: Christian and Buddhist (1957) 266 eksemplarer
Living by Zen (1972) 113 eksemplarer
Essays in Zen Buddhism (1953) 102 eksemplarer
Studies in Zen (1955) 98 eksemplarer
Buddha of Infinite Light (1998) 94 eksemplarer
The Awakening of Zen (1669) 88 eksemplarer
Outlines of Mahayana Buddhism (1907) 83 eksemplarer
Studies in the Lankavatara Sutra (1930) 68 eksemplarer
Lankavatara Sutra (1983) — Oversætter — 59 eksemplarer
Sengai, the Zen master (1971) 55 eksemplarer
On Indian Mahayana Buddhism (1968) 49 eksemplarer
The field of Zen (1969) 48 eksemplarer
Shin Buddhism (1970) 36 eksemplarer
Zen and Japanese Buddhism (1777) 34 eksemplarer
The Essence of Buddhism (1948) 16 eksemplarer
Selected Works of D.T. Suzuki, Volume I Zen (2014) — Forfatter — 13 eksemplarer
Vivir El Zen (1995) 13 eksemplarer
The Zen Monk's Life (1965) 12 eksemplarer
Japanese Buddhism (1938) 10 eksemplarer
Budismo Zen (1996) 9 eksemplarer
Wprowadzenie do buddyzmu zen (1998) 8 eksemplarer
The Chain of Compassion (1966) 7 eksemplarer
La gran liberación (1992) 5 eksemplarer
Zen and the Samurai (1995) 4 eksemplarer
Lo zen e la cultura giapponese (2014) 4 eksemplarer
Vivere zen (1996) 4 eksemplarer
Zen (1958) 4 eksemplarer
El ámbito del zen (1981) 4 eksemplarer
An index to the Lankavatara sutra (2000) 3 eksemplarer
Les chemins du zen (1990) 3 eksemplarer
Discorsi sullo zen (1981) 3 eksemplarer
Sengai (1966) 3 eksemplarer
Zen and the Art of Tea (1995) 3 eksemplarer
Zen i kultura japońska (2009) 3 eksemplarer
Japanese Spirituality (1988) 3 eksemplarer
禅 (ちくま文庫) (1987) 2 eksemplarer
La dottrina zen del vuoto mentale (1978) 2 eksemplarer
Sengai Calendar, 1964 (1963) 2 eksemplarer
Essence Of Buddhism 2 eksemplarer
Field of Zen 2 eksemplarer
無心といふこと 2 eksemplarer
Leben aus ZEN. (1982) 2 eksemplarer
Zen und die Kultur Japans (1941) 2 eksemplarer
Que Es El Zen? (2013) 1 eksemplar
The Field of Zen 1 eksemplar
Zen Buddhism 1 eksemplar
Zen i japanska kultura (2016) 1 eksemplar
禅学入門 (2004) 1 eksemplar
禅学への道 (2003) 1 eksemplar
日本的霊性 (岩波文庫) (1972) 1 eksemplar
Practica del monje zen, la (1901) 1 eksemplar
Il risveglio dello zen (1982) 1 eksemplar
Sengai, 1750-1837 — Forfatter — 1 eksemplar
The Field of Zen 1 eksemplar
Myokonin 1 eksemplar
Bevezetés a zen buddhizmusba (2019) 1 eksemplar
ZEN I SAMURAJI (1992) 1 eksemplar

Associated Works

Bueskydning og Zen (1948) — Introduktion, nogle udgaver2,517 eksemplarer
The Range of Philosophy: Introductory Readings (1964) — Bidragyder — 53 eksemplarer
New Knowledge in Human Values (1959) — Bidragyder — 30 eksemplarer
A Zen Life (2006) — Features — 6 eksemplarer
What is Zen? (2002) — Author biography — 3 eksemplarer

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Juridisk navn
貞太郎, 鈴木
Andre navne
Suzuki, D. T.
Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan
Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan (birth)
La Salle, Illinois, USA
Tokyo University
Professor of Buddhist philosophy
Suzuki, Beatrice Lane (wife)
Nishida, Kitaro (friend)
Yanagi, Muneyoshi (student)
Otani University
Kort biografi
Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki (1870-1966) est un auteur japonais d'ouvrages et d'essais sur le Bouddhisme Zen.
Il fut aussi un traduteur prolifique du chinois, du japonais et de la littérature sanscrite. Il donna de nombreux cours et conférences dans les universités occidentales et fut professeur à l’université d’Otani, une école bouddhiste japonaise.
Parmi ses ouvrages traduits : Essais sur le Bouddhisme Zen, séries I, II, III, Albin Michel (1940-2003) ;
Introduction au Bouddhisme Zen (Préface de C.G. Jung, 24 pages), Buchet/Chastel, 1978 ; Le non-mental selon la pensée zen (traduit par Hubert Benoit), Le Courrier du Livre, 1970.



> Babelio : https://www.babelio.com/livres/Daisetz-Teitaro-Suzuki-Les-chemins-du-zen/650380

> RÉSUMÉ. — Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, l'auteur des célèbres et désormais classiques Essais sur le bouddhisme zen, joua un rôle déterminant dans l'enseignement du bouddhisme en Occident. Ici regroupés, ses articles et conférences - dont une, très émouvante, sur le "Suprême Idéal Spirituel" éclairent le bouddhisme Mahayana en général et l'école zen en particulier, ainsi que les paroles de maître Rinzaï et les relations entre zen et psychologie occidentale. De plus, le Dr Suzuki s'y montre tout autant expert de la culture et de l'art japonais que fin observateur de l'évolution des valeurs au cours de notre XXe siècle.… (mere)
Joop-le-philosophe | Jan 31, 2024 |
‘An absolute affirmation must rise from the fiery crater of life itself.’

I liked the bit where, just to make a point, a Zen master cut a cat in half because a couple of the fellas couldn’t decide which side of the Monastery it should belong to. At least we’re reassured by Suzuki that the cat is surely on its way to Buddhahood.... I wonder where that cat is now.
theoaustin | 8 andre anmeldelser | May 19, 2023 |
Of all the many sects of Buddhism, it is Zen, with its roots so deeply embedded in the soul of Japanese history, that has made the most vivid and enduring impression upon the character and culture of Japan, and has also most aroused the interest of the West. And yet, with its teaching of its 'vast emptiness,' its 'satori-awakening,' and its riddle-like 'koan,' Zen is probably the most difficult of all Buddhist beliefs to interpret. Certainly only such an author as Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, the world's leading authority on Zen, could have achieved what he so successfully does achieve in the few pages of the this book, which is a distillation of his profouund knowledge of the subject: a masterly and easily understod summation of this seemilnly yet profoundly religion. The aim of Zen, explains, the author, is to discard all the external impedimenta with which the intellect seeks to weigh down the soul, and to see directly into the inmost nature of man's being. He shows how this is accomplished through Zen practice and, in explaining Zen monastery life, makes clear the important role that manual labor and alms begging play in the eventual liberation of the mind-body. Tracing the history of Zen from its beginnings in India and China to its full flowering in Japan, he presents many short Zen stories and episodes to illustrate the central tenets of this teaching. In the later part of the book the author treats of the history and characteristics of Japanese Buddhism in general, elucidating one of the world's most vital religions and making clear the place of Zen within this larger whole. Lending added interest to the excellent text are numerous photographs concerning Zen and Buddhism. The series showing life in a Zen monastery, taken especially for this book, well illustrates the role of simplicity and austerity in Zen. About the author Zen Buddhism has of recent years been arousing the keenest of interest both ithe United States and Europe. And it is the author of the present volume, Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, who has contributed greatly to ths Western awakening to one of the Orient's ancient and profuound religions. Now nearly ninety, the author is certainly the most celebrated and eloquent interpreter of Zen anywhere in the world. After teaching at several of Japan's leadng universities, he enlarged his acivites to a truly international scale. Beginning with a visit to Great Britain in 1936 as an exchange professor, he has lectured at various universities in America and Europe. He has also written more that a hundred works on Zen and Buddhism both in Japanese and in Englilsh, and a number of these works have been translated into other Western languages. Recent books in English include Introduction to Zen Buddhism: Living by Zen; Manual of Zen Buddhism; Studies in Zen Buddhism; Zen Buddhism; Mysticism: Christian and Buddhist. While a young man, the author lived as a lay Buddhist disciple i the Engakuji, Kamakura's great Zen monastery. After diligent and strenuous training, he experienced satori-awakening and received from his master, the renowned Shaku Soyen, the Zen name of 'Daisetz' in recognition of is attainment of Zen understanding. For his outstanding contributions in the field of religion and in the promotion of Japanese culture abroad he was decorated by the Emperor of Japan in 1949 with the Cultural Medal and was elected as a member of the Academy of Japan. In 1954 he was the Asahi Cultural Prize. Japan Travel Bureau: Publishers Tokyo, Japan. Charles E. Tuttle Company: Distributors Tokyo, Japan & Rutland, Vermont Contents Preface Part One Zen Buddhism I What is Zen? Not Dhyana but Prajna II The development of Zen III Schools of Zen IV The Satori-experience V Heaven, nature, emptiness VI The training in Zen Part Two Japanese Buddhism I The two main schools of Buddhism II The development of Japanese Buddhism III Some einent persons in Japanese Buddhism IV Buddhism and Japanese culture Suggestions for further reading Index… (mere)
AikiBib | 1 anden anmeldelse | Apr 1, 2023 |
La relacion existente entre el budismo zen y el psicoanalisis es el centro de esta recopilacion de textos de D.T. Suzuki y Erich Fromm. Este libro es testigo de un dialogo entre dos tradiciones distintas: Oriente y Occidente, budismo zen y psicoanalisis, entablan una enriquecedora conversacion en la que senalan sus intereses comunes en el tratamiento de problemas de los seres humanos.
Natt90 | 5 andre anmeldelser | Jan 17, 2023 |



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