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Iliza Shlesinger

Forfatter af Girl Logic: The Genius and the Absurdity

8+ Værker 170 Medlemmer 9 Anmeldelser

Om forfatteren

Iliza Shlesinger has written and starred in four Netflix comedy specials: War Paint (2013), Freezing Hot (2015), Confirmed Kills (2016), and Iliza: Elder Millennial (2018). She is the creator and star of Forever 31 on Hulu as well as her late night show, Truth Iliza, on Freeform. Iliza has appeared vis mere as a comedian several times on Late Night and The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon as well as the Late Late Show with James Corden, and loves entertaining the troops on USO tours. vis mindre

Værker af Iliza Shlesinger

Iliza Shlesinger: War Paint [2013 Comedy Special] (2013) — Writer/Performer — 3 eksemplarer
Iliza: Unveiled [2019 Video Recording] (2019) — Performer/Writer — 1 eksemplar
Iliza Shlesinger: Freezing Hot [2015 Comedy Video Recording] (2015) — Writer/Performer — 1 eksemplar
Iliza: Confirmed Kills [2016 Comedy Video Recording] (2016) — Writer/Performer — 1 eksemplar
Iliza: Elder Millennial [2018 TV Comedy Special] (2018) — Writer/Performer — 1 eksemplar
Iliza Shlesinger: Over & Over [2019 Documentary] (2019) — Writer/Performer — 1 eksemplar

Associated Works

Spenser Confidential [2020 Film] (2020) — Actor — 4 eksemplarer

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Shlesinger, Iliza



All Things Aside: Absolutely Correct Opinions

I Picked Up This Book Because: I enjoy the writer’s comedy.

Media Type: Audiobook
Source: HPCL
Dates Read: 5/2/23 - 5/3/23
Stars: 4
Narrator(s): Iliza Shlesinger

Observations on life post pandemic, fertility, pregananny and early motherhood among other things. I enjoyed it a lot. It was actually much like one of her shows.

The Random Thoughts:
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bookjunkie57 | 1 anden anmeldelse | May 9, 2023 |
Do you over-analyze every choice you make? Then you might be using girl logic! Written by stand-up comedian Iliza Shlesinger, Girl Logic is all about the characteristically female way of thinking that may seem contradictory and circuitous but is actually a complicated, highly evolved way of looking at the world. This book will help you turn girl logic into your secret weapon.

I started listening to this book on Audible way back in 2021, but for some reason I never finished it ... which is a shame, because I really enjoyed it! It's funny and relatable, and I loved listening to Iliza read it. If you're a woman, you'll definitely find yourself nodding along as she discusses the mental gymnastics women go through when attempting to make themselves (and everyone else around them) happy.… (mere)
ginniel | 6 andre anmeldelser | Mar 6, 2023 |
Best for:
Fans of Shlesinger.

In a nutshell:
Stand up comedian Shlesinger shares observations about life. Sometimes sort of funny, sometimes disturbingly ignorant.

Worth quoting:
“But that question, ‘What am I doing this for?,’ is one I constantly ask myself.”

“In my mind, there’s still time.”

Why I chose it:
I’ve found Shlesinger’s stand-up specials on Netflix to be occasionally funny if not a bit ignorant and not super intelligent. The book looked like something I’d probably enjoy. Sigh.

Hmmmm. There are some things about this book that I enjoyed. As someone who is only a couple of years older than Shlesinger, I could relate to a lot of her nostalgia and pop culture references. Some of the essays are just that - collections of things she likes or doesn’t, and it’s fun. It works. I enjoyed those parts.

Interestingly - and possibly ironically - the parts that grated on me were when she was so focused on preemptively being defensive about her opinions. Obviously Shlesinger is not going to be everyone’s cup of tea - no one is EVERYONE’s cup of tea - but she’s clearly terrified of ‘being canceled.’ She repeatedly emphasizes that she thinks people are too quick to judge and too quick to cancel and … maybe? But are they? Louise CK is on tour. Johnny Depp walked in Rhianna’s label’s fashion show. Like, most (white) people who get canceled are doing JUST fine.

But one area where she seems to really dig in her heels is ableism. She just cannot seem to understand the problem with using outdated terms like crazy, lame, or insane. And look, I definitely still have trouble finding good replacements, as I’ve spent much of my life using those words. But I acknowledge that they are problematic and I try to be better. But she doesn’t even seem to accept that there is an issue here. In fact, early on, she shares that a sensitivity reader (which, I know its a super low bar, but it’s great that she had her book reviewed by a sensitivity reader) suggested that her use of the word insane was flagged. And instead of thinking ‘hey, you know what, that term is loaded and has been applied to both people with mental health issues and people who are a little different so maybe I can use my creativity and come up with another way to say this,’ she says “lest someone who identifies as insane read this book and take umbrage.” No! That’s not what we’re saying … ugh. She’s so close and yet really misses the point here. And annoyingly she follows this with “Pick a real hill to die on, folks, not every anthill you trip over.” Mental health an the treatment of disabled people is not an anthill.


No author, and certainly no comedian who chooses to put themselves out there is going to get everything right. I just hope when she rereads her book in a few years, she recognizes that she’s grown and moved past this need to dig her heels in about language and other outdated ideas like that.

Recommend to a Friend / Keep / Donate it / Toss it:
Donate it
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ASKelmore | 1 anden anmeldelse | Nov 17, 2022 |
A mix between a humor book and a memoir, Iliza Shlesinger explores how the seemingly irrational parts of her brain have effected her life in mostly positive ways. Fun and light.
klnbennett | 6 andre anmeldelser | Oct 7, 2020 |

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