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Prof. Dr. theol. Dr. phil. Thomas Schirrmacher, PhD, ThD, DD, is professor of the sociology of religion at the State University of the West in Timisoara (Romania), Distinguished Professor of Global Ethics and International Development at William Carey University in Shillong (Meghalaya, India), as vis mere well as president and professor of ethics at Martin Bucer European Theological Seminary and Research Institutes with branches in Bonn, Berlin, Zurich, Innsbruck, Prague, Istanbul and Sao Paolo. Schirrmacher has held guest professorships and has given special lectures at universities on all continents. Schirrmacher is chair of the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), director of the International Institute for Religious Freedom (Bonn, Cape Town, Colombo) and Ambassador for Human Rights of WEA; the WEA represents churches with 600 million members altogether. He also is a member of the board of the International Society for Human Rights. Schirrmacher regularly testifies in the German parliament and other parliaments in Europe, as well as in the EU in Brussels, the OSCE in Vienna and other international bodies. His has written 102 books; three of his newest books are Fundamentalism, Racism, and Human Trafficking. He has earned four doctorates, in missiology and ecumenical theology, in cultural anthropology, in ethics, and in sociology of religion, and received two honorary doctorates from the USA and India. vis mindre

Includes the name: Thomas Schirrmacher

Image credit: Thomas Schirrmacher


Værker af Thomas Schirrmacher

Ethik, 7 Bde. (2009) 16 eksemplarer
Der evangelische Glaube kompakt (1998) 7 eksemplarer
Harenberg Lexikon der Religionen (2002) 5 eksemplarer
Psychotherapie: Der fatale Irrtum (2001) 5 eksemplarer
Christus im Alten Testament (2001) 4 eksemplarer
Ethik 3-bändige Gesamtausgabe (2001) 3 eksemplarer
Die neue Unterschicht (2007) 3 eksemplarer
Christenverfolgung heute (2008) 2 eksemplarer
Human Rights: Promise and Reality (2014) 2 eksemplarer
Erziehung, Bildung, Schule (2002) 2 eksemplarer
Calvin and World Mission (2009) 2 eksemplarer
Der Römerbrief, Bd.2 (1994) 2 eksemplarer
Esperança para a Europa (2002) 2 eksemplarer
Ethik 1 (1994) 2 eksemplarer
Der Segen von Ehe und Familie (2006) 1 eksemplar
Ethik 2 (1994) 1 eksemplar
Hope for Europe: 66 Theses (2018) 1 eksemplar

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