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Determined to find definitive proof that Anne Frank's diary was authentic, Simon Wiesenthal began a five-year-long search for the Gestapo officer who arrested the Frank family. This inspiring and suspenseful account testifies to the difference that one person's dedication can make.
Quilt18 | 4 andre anmeldelser | Apr 1, 2024 |
A slim book on the design and history of various household objects. It's clearly aimed at younger readers -- I'd say probably middle grade? -- which I think isn't something I realized when I got it. It was published in 1998, so it's rather dated now, something that's probably most obvious in the chapters on telephones and typewriters. It also doesn't really go into any detail at all on how any of the technology it covers actually works, just the design aspects of it. But the author covers that with a lot of enthusiasm for the subject, and it's an interesting little glimpse at how some familiar objects have evolved, along with a bit of of historical trivia. There are also some nice black-and-white pictures of various objects, although I'm a little sorry there weren't more, as some of the things I would have been most interested in seeing weren't pictured.½
bragan | Mar 21, 2024 |
"Irena Sendler was a diminutive Polish social worker who helped spirit more than four hundred children out of the Warsaw Ghetto during World War II. Using toolboxes, ambulances, and other ingenious measures, Irena Sendler defied the Nazis and risked her own life by saving and then hiding Jewish children. Her secret list of the children's real identities was kept safe, buried in two jars under a tree in war-torn Warsaw."
Quilt18 | 20 andre anmeldelser | Feb 7, 2024 |
In December 1942 Freidl Dicker-Brandeis packed her suitcase for the last time. What did she fill it with? Art supplies. Brushes, paints, and paper were her luggage when she was forced by Nazi soldiers to move to the Terezin concentration camp. An artist and art instructor, Freidl used her limited supplies to bring a world of beauty and fantasy to children in the camp—most of whom would die tragically at Auschwitz. This story reveals how flashes of kindness can bring joy and relief—like fireflies in the dark.The story is enhanced with photographs and reproductions of the amazing artwork completed by Freidl Dicker-Brandeis, her students, and her colleagues during their time at Terezin.
Quilt18 | 13 andre anmeldelser | Oct 24, 2023 |
Offers an inspiring story about a group of Mauthausen concentration camp survivors who made a U.S. flag as a token of gratitude for their liberators, the U.S. Army and Colonel Richard Siebel, that was then flown high over the camp as an appreciated symbol of freedom by all.
Quilt18 | 3 andre anmeldelser | Oct 24, 2023 |
Do not be fooled, this is not a picture book. This is a nonfiction biography that is heavily illustrated. This is about Mary Seacole, a type of nurse who believes in the home remedy, and healing the way her mother did it. She was born and raised in Jamaica and was of creole descent. This meant she was not white and was treated as such throughout her life. She was turned away many times for wanting to help people, all because of the color of their skin. This includes Florence Nightingale, who thought of Mary as unclean, unsure, and of lesser education. While some people sided with Florence, men who were treated by her in the battlefield, did not. To them she was a hero, who deserves just as much fanfare as Nightingale gets. I full heartedly, agree and hope more children pick up this story and learn about another fantastic woman making waves for future women everywhere.
LibrarianRyan | 2 andre anmeldelser | Sep 20, 2023 |
Mary Seacole: Bound for the Battlefield is a fantastic illustrated biography!

For one, the illustrations are gorgeous. The colours in combination with the illustration style really makes the book stand out. It pulled me in with the cover and kept me hooked throughout the story. However the illustrator is, give them a raise! It's amazing!

This book is a very short chapter book all about Mary Seacole. Her background, biography and amazing feats are described that middle graders and adults alike will enjoy. I highly recommend picking up this book to learn a little bit about history. It's well worth the read and will surely teach you something. I also highly recommend educators use this book because it is an education marvel.

Four out of five stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and Candlewick Press for providing me a free copy of this book in exchange of an honest review.
Briars_Reviews | 2 andre anmeldelser | Aug 4, 2023 |
First sentence: More than one hundred years ago, a little girl named Beatrice Alexander looked out her window to the bustle below. Beatrice's parents had come across the ocean to America and settled in New York City. Many families like theirs had moved into a neighborhood called the Lower East Side, where the buildings overflowed with people.

Premise/plot: Madame Alexander is a picture book biography of Beatrice Alexander (aka Madame Alexander). Her parents owned a doll hospital in New York City. Her father (step-father) repaired dolls. She sometimes helped especially as she grew older. (Though even when she was younger, she 'helped' by comforting the broken dolls.) As an adult she started her own doll business--but not a doll hospital. She wanted to make dolls that wouldn't break, a more affordable, "American," doll. (As opposed to the porcelain dolls imported from Europe).

My thoughts: I loved every page of this one. I found it fascinating through and through. I also appreciated how her Jewishness was shown/depicted. I loved the author's note though the font size was super-teeny-tiny. (Granted, this will be more for adults than young people.)

Picture book biographies can be so very good. This one definitely falls into that "very good" category. Can't wait to recommend this one to others.½
blbooks | 1 anden anmeldelse | Mar 7, 2023 |
This picture book brings to life the creator of the Madame Alexander doll company with illustrations as elegant as the iconic dolls. Repairing dolls with her father, Beatrice Alexander learns to use her talents to bring joy and comfort to other children. Accompanying backmatter further illuminates her life and work. (Sydney Taylor Picture Book Notable)
STBA | 1 anden anmeldelse | Feb 4, 2023 |
Note: I accessed a digital review copy of this book through Edelweiss.
fernandie | 2 andre anmeldelser | Sep 15, 2022 |
This beautiful and colorful biography perfectly captures Rivera’s passion for making art, Mexico, the common people, and the ladies. Written in straightforward prose, students will be delighted by tidbits about his personal life such as the nickname his second wife Frida Kahlo used, Frog-face, and the fact that he was over six feet tall and rarely bathed. The text is interspersed with plentiful reproductions of his full murals and details of them, photos of him and Frida, and charcoal cartoon renditions of his murals drawn to scale. It follows his career from his school days in Mexico to his travels to Paris, Spain and other European countries where he soaked up all he could from the art scene and various teachers. When he returned to Mexico he decided he “wanted to teach the people of Mexico through pictures” and dedicated his art to painting murals in which the “common people” and peasants were often the subjects. It contains controversies as well as the story of his career and frescoes, including the destruction of his fresco in the RCA building made for Nelson Rockefeller. This book is better read from beginning to end making it inconvenient to use for a report for students because there are no headings or subheadings. It includes a glossary of terms and people, source notes, an index, and a list of places to view Rivera’s work.
Positive reviews SLJ and Kirkus
Dairyqueen84 | 8 andre anmeldelser | Mar 15, 2022 |
Gee’s Bend, in southern Alabama, is home to a fascinating group of multi-generational African American women who have created original vibrant quilts since the early nineteenth century. A photo-essay carries readers through the origins of Gee’s Bend quilt making through to a traveling exhibit that featured Gee’s Bend quilts at New York’s Whitney Museum. Includes Map, Epilogue, Making a Quilt Square, Bibliography, Index.
NCSS | 1 anden anmeldelse | Jul 23, 2021 |
An exploration of the revolutionary work of artist/architect Maya Lin, including her design of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial as well as her unique approach to other projects and the materials used. Includes Bibliography, Source Notes, Index.
NCSS | 3 andre anmeldelser | Jul 23, 2021 |
This book looks at the life, Bohemian philosophy, and unorthodox techniques of Victorian photographer Julia Margaret Cameron. Cameron broke away from the traditional style of stiff portraits and became one of the most original portraitists in the history of photography. Examples of her greatest works are highlighted. Bibliography.
NCSS | 3 andre anmeldelser | Jul 23, 2021 |
Through period photos, primary source documents, and source notes, this book documents the impact that the fight to end segregation had on students, activists, and the nation. Timeline, Resources, Bibliography.
NCSS | 2 andre anmeldelser | Jul 23, 2021 |
This biography explores the art and philosophy of the Mexican artist through his life story, and highlights motivation and political background to his greatest accomplishments as a public artist. Author’s Notes, Glossary, Source Notes, Bibliography, Art Credits, Index
NCSS | 8 andre anmeldelser | Jul 23, 2021 |
This is an exception - al and beautifully illustrated account of a Catholic social worker’s courage and resourcefulness in rescuing, document - ing, and relocating hundreds of Jewish children during the terror of Nazi-oc - cupied Poland. Afterword
NCSS | 20 andre anmeldelser | Jul 23, 2021 |
On the cusp of World War II, young Jewish American virtuo - so Leonard Bernstein pursues his enor - mous passion for music against his con - servative father’s wishes. Inspired sto - rytelling, photographs and documents chronicle Bernstein’s childhood to his successful debut at Carnegie Hall. Fore - word, Epilogue,
NCSS | 6 andre anmeldelser | Jul 23, 2021 |
This biography chronicles O’Keefe’s life through 17 visually stunning chapters filled with colors that complement her paintings
NCSS | 2 andre anmeldelser | Jul 23, 2021 |
A rather odd mix of narrative and interview snippets. This isn't really a cohesive presentation of Irena Sendler's story; the facts, names, and dates are just kind of presented page by page. Irena Sendler's story is fascinating, but sadly, I have yet to find an author with the skill to convey it the way it deserves to be told.
Samantha_Quick | 20 andre anmeldelser | Jul 15, 2021 |
This is the story of a block of history in the lives of these two incredible impressionist painters. Vincent Van Gogh was already experiencing signs of what came to be called "fits" when he invited his friend and fellow artist to join him in the yellow house in the south of France.

Two different temperaments, and two varied style of artistry. One saw the world in colors, the other (Gauguin) tried to paint more realistically. For two months in the fall of 1888 they inspired each other. Living together was problematic. Van Gogh was a messy painter, as he splashed gobs of paint on the campus, whereas Gauguin attempted to be very orderly and organized in his works.

All too soon the friends clashed. When Gauguin told Vincent he was leaving, a violent argument resulted in Vincent cutting off his ear. Vincent was taken to the hospital, Paul was indeed very frightened and immediately left Arles.

This led to the down fall of Vincent's emotions which could no longer be held in check.
These two incredible artists never saw each other again. Vincent gave some of his sunflower paintings to Gauguin, and Gauguin in turn gifted Vincent his drawing of Madame Ginoux.

The image of two chairs are one chair painted by Van Gogh, and the same chair painted differently by Gauguin show the differences in their perceptions.
Whisper1 | 1 anden anmeldelse | Jul 4, 2021 |
I've never really given much thought to fashion, thought I didn't really care, but a few weeks ago a friend and I had the exquisite good fortune to stumble upon an exhibit from the Brooklyn Museum Costume Collection. There were a range of items from various eras, but there was A LOT of couture from the first half of the 20th century. Ho-ly cowwww. I was halfway through the exhibit before I realized I was hardly breathing, it was all so amazing. There was so much philosophy and history behind the littlest things, it completely changed the way I consider fashion. I was particularly taken with the female designers--of course, I knew of Chanel, but it was the first time I'd heard of Schiaparelli, Grès, Hawes, and others--leading the way in art movements and feminism. I needed to know more, more, more, and I wanted more than just coffee table books with only pictures of the clothes.

I requested this from the library not realizing at first that it's a children's biography, but like so many children's biographies, it stands up really well for gleaning some key information. It was fascinating to learn how many items and styles Schiap created and her role in the Surrealism community. She struck me from the aforementioned exhibit as one of the more playful designers, and it certainly comes across as such in this biography. I'm thrilled that this biography is available to kids to show them just how far imagination can take them and how fun it can be. There is a date discrepancy in a caption at the very end, but otherwise, this is a solid read. Recommended for all ages!
LibroLindsay | 1 anden anmeldelse | Jun 18, 2021 |
This was an interesting story. One of the events the book focused on was the opera "Brundibar" performed by the children of Terezin. Maurice Sendak created a picture book based on this opera.
RobertaLea | 11 andre anmeldelser | Apr 24, 2021 |