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Ella Maillart (1903–1997)

Forfatter af The Cruel Way

17+ Works 596 Members 24 Reviews 1 Favorited

Om forfatteren

Ella K. Maillart (1903-97) was a Swiss journalist, photographer, and adventurer. She is the author of Gypsy Afloat, The Forbidden Journey, Turkestan Solo, and many other works published in English, French, and German.

Værker af Ella Maillart

The Cruel Way (1947) 189 eksemplarer
Ti-Puss (1996) 32 eksemplarer
Cruises and Caravans (1942) 30 eksemplarer
Gypsy Afloat (1942) 21 eksemplarer
Parmi la jeunesse russe (1989) 17 eksemplarer
The Land of the Sherpas (1998) 13 eksemplarer
Sur les routes de l'Orient (2003) 4 eksemplarer
La vie immédiate (1991) — Fotograf — 3 eksemplarer
Ma philosophie du voyage (2022) 3 eksemplarer
Ella Maillart au Népal (1999) 2 eksemplarer
Bribes de sagesses (2007) 1 eksemplar

Associated Works

Maiden Voyages: Writings of Women Travelers (1993) — Bidragyder — 192 eksemplarer

Satte nøgleord på

Almen Viden

Andre navne
Maillart, Kini
Land (til kort)
Geneva, Switzerland
Chandolin, Switzerland
Geneva, Switzerland
Chandolin, Switzerland
travel writer
Olympic athlete
Fleming, Peter (travel companion)
Schwarzenbach, Annemarie (travel companion)
Le Petit Parisien
Priser og hædersbevisninger
Sir Percy Sykes Memorial Medal (1955)
Kort biografi
Ella Maillart was born to a wealthy family in Geneva, Switzerland. Her father was Swiss and her mother Danish. As a child, she loved reading maps and adventure books and decided to become an athlete. At age of 20, she sailed with a friend from Cannes to Corsica, then to Sardinia, Sicily and Greece. In 1924, she became the only female competitor in the Summer Olympics single-handed yacht sailing event; she finished ninth out of a field of 17. At this time, she was also the captain of the Swiss women's field hockey team and a member of its international ski team. From the 1930s, she spent years exploring the Muslim majority republics of the USSR, as well as other parts of Asia. She published a series of books such as Turkestan Solo: A Journey Through Central Asia (1932) that, along with her photographs, are today considered valuable historical testimonies. Her early books were written in French but later she began to write in English. In 1934, the French daily Le Petit Parisien sent her to Manchuria to report on the situation under the Japanese occupation. There she met Peter Fleming, a writer and correspondent for The Times, with whom she would team up to cross China from Peking to Srinagar (3,500 miles), much of the route being through hostile desert regions and steep Himalayan passes. The journey started in February 1935 and took seven months to complete, involving travel by train, on lorries, on foot, horse, and camel. Maillart later recorded this trek in her book Forbidden Journey, while Peter Fleming's parallel account is found in his News from Tartary. In 1937, Maillart returned to Asia for Le Petit Parisien to report on Afghanistan, Iran and Turkey. In 1939, she took a trip from Geneva to Kabul by car, in the company of the Swiss writer Annemarie Schwarzenbach. Maillart's book about this experience, which was cut short by the outbreak of World War II, was called The Cruel Way: Switzerland to Afghanistan in a Ford.
She spent the war years in the south of India, learning from different teachers about Hindu philosophy. On her return to Switzerland in 1945, she continued to ski until late in life, and last traveled to Tibet in 1986.
She also made documentary films on Afghanistan, Nepal, and South India that today are part of the collection of the Swiss Film Archive in Lausanne, Switzerland.



The author, along with her friend, Annemarie Schwarzenbach, takes a car trip in 1939 from Switzerland to Afghanistan. The narrative is part traditional travel narrative and part analysis of mental state of her companion who is referred to in the book as Christina. Maillart believes the trip will cure "Christina" of her chronic melancholy and addiction to morphine. But the journey is struggle from the beginning, as Christina continually lapses into her state of instability, while Mallart continues to do everything, she can to pull her friend out of it. The trip, itself, is a wonderous adventure through native cultures on the brink of upheaval by the coming of World War. Schwarzenbach, who died in 1942, published her own story of the trip, which is a dreamy set of essays that at times leaves you wondering whether this was the same trip taken with Maillart. I highly recommend reading "The Cruel Way" first, to give Schwarzenbach's "All the Roads Are Open" some needed context. I read the latter first and was confused about place and time until I read "The Cruel Way". Then it made sense.… (mere)
ArtRodrigues | 4 andre anmeldelser | May 24, 2022 |
> Babelio : https://www.babelio.com/livres/Maillart-Cette-realite-que-jai-pourchassee/114224

> Publié à l'occasion du centenaire de la naissance de l'auteur, ce recueil propose une trentaine de lettres que Kini adressa à ses parents, de la Sardaigne à Moscou, de Tachkent à Pékin, de Kachgar à Kaboul, entre 1925 et 1941. On y trouvera également quelques photos d'époque.
Danieljean (Babelio)
… (mere)
Joop-le-philosophe | Feb 16, 2021 |
Ella Maillart fait partie de ces grandes exploratrices mythiques qui ont fait rêvé des générations entières d’ados. Je crois que je préfère l’écouter que la lire. J’aime la philosophie de vie qu’elle explique dans ses entretiens, et que je n’arrive pas à retrouver dans ses livres.
Le voyage dont il est question ici fut difficile, le titre en atteste, et pourtant Ella Maillart semble se cacher derrière ses phrases. Elle reste dans la description des paysages et des monuments qu’elle découvre, ses descriptions, précises et impartiales, sont à la fois belles et froides.
Sa fascination pour les personnes qu’elle rencontre est palpable, mais pose bien des questions. Elle s’interroge sur le sort des femmes, mais pas trop, elle vient avec sa belle voiture symbole de progrès pour découvrir des peuples qui vivent dans la splendeur de leurs traditions, mais elle fait mine de ne pas voir le paradoxe qu’il y a dans cette situation.
La Voie cruelle reste un bon livre, qui fait date dans la littérature de voyage, mais qui, comme souvent me semble-t-il, ne rend pas justice à son auteur.
… (mere)
raton-liseur | 4 andre anmeldelser | Dec 28, 2020 |


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