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Thomas Mailaender

Forfatter af Illustrated People

20 Værker 38 Medlemmer 4 Anmeldelser

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Includes the name: Mailaender Thomas

Værker af Thomas Mailaender

Illustrated People (2014) 11 eksemplarer
Extreme Tourism (2013) 2 eksemplarer
Status Delivered 2 eksemplarer
Skin Memories: No. 1 (2016) 2 eksemplarer
A very serious job 1 eksemplar
Thomas Mailaender: Cyanotypes (2014) 1 eksemplar
Handicraft 1 eksemplar
SOTP (2013) 1 eksemplar
Name Dropping (2018) 1 eksemplar

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The Night Climbers of Cambridge was published in 1937 by Chatto & Windus, a reputable house that had brought out the first English translations of Proust in 1922. The author was Noël Edward Symington, who went under the name of Whipplesnaith – an alias that combined the Middle English verb whipple, meaning to move around quickly, with an old Norse term for a piece of ground. The idea was that Symington and his accomplices moved quickly around the walls, roofs and spires of the colleges of Cambridge. They kept clear of commercial properties because those were in the public domain – where penalties might be incurred. Amongst the colleges they had only to cope with procters and the police, who didn’t take their misdemeanours too seriously.

Climbing on the walls and roofs of colleges was nothing new. Geoffrey Winthrop Young had written a Roof-Climber’s Guide to Trinity in 1899 as well as Wall and Roof Climbing in 1905. One had to watch out for crumbling stonework and for loose fittings around pipes and guttering. Advance planning was also necessary, for the climbing had to be carried out at night to be safe from guardians of property. It was enjoyable work in itself, but it also put Symington and his friends in touch with the man in the street, most often a policeman who turned up trumps in a tight spot at 3 am.

What was a novelty, though, was that Symington and his accomplices took photographs of themselves in action. These were, after all, formative years in photo-journalism. The climbers carried cameras and used lighting, which, of course, alerted the police, who sometimes feature as interested onlookers. The result is a staged photography, at a time when staged events were commonplace in both the German and the British press – reportage being a collaborative venture in which friends and passers-by acted parts. In London Bill Brandt, a photographer brought up in Germany, specialised in just the kind of staged documentary attempted by the Cambridge climbers.

Even so, Symington and his friends had a point of view, downplayed but still spelled out at length in the original publication, in a separate section called ‘Chiefly Padding’. Night-climbing was a low-key activity, made up of nothing more than ‘a string of disconnected incidents’. The participants hardly knew each other, and climbed for the fun of it without the competitive edge that characterised mountaineering and rock-climbing proper. Records were kept, if at all, by individuals, and there were no societies of roof-climbers to regulate behaviour and keep the score. Symington’s night-climber was a secretive, romantic creature, like a character from Buchan ‘crossing a Scottish moor on a stormy night’. Thomas Mailaender, the contemporary artist who acquired the Cambridge climbers’ archive, identifies the night-climber as a prototype – a wary traveller, mixing with others whilst attempting to make his way across a chancy terrain without much in the way of rules and etiquette.
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petervanbeveren | Nov 7, 2021 |
Image printed on found French lava stone
petervanbeveren | Jan 5, 2021 |
Thomas Mailaender and Erik Kessels are both artists who work with the re-appropriation of images. They’re compulsive collectors of photographs and keen observers of sociological patterns. Also they both take the absurd and ridiculous very, very seriously. That said it comes as no real surprise that these two get along like dynamite and matches. For Unseen 2017 they’ve created the ‘Photo Pleasure Palace’ a special place where you can come to have fun and set your mind on fire after spending a day browsing the galleries. The Photo Pleasure Palace is a combination of a photographic exhibition, installation and a fun fair. It shows that visitors of Unseen can interact and experience photography in an alternative way.
This new vinyl with booklet welcomes you to their weird-and-wonderland, a place where pleasure is guaranteed and photos are in imminent danger.
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petervanbeveren | Jan 5, 2021 |
With CRY ME A RIVER, french artist Thomas Mailaender once again highlights a disconcerting practice found on the Internet. This time he focuses on web surfers publishing their own photographs of anthropomorphically cut onions to resemble grimacing or smiling faces. In this offbeat tribute to his favourite mass media, the presented collection of smilies is also a simple and efficient ode to creativity, humour and amateur practices.
petervanbeveren | Dec 10, 2019 |


