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Kari Luna

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The Theory of Everything (2013) 55 eksemplarer

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I was intrigued by this book's premise of parallel universes. The book starts well but gets bogged down in the middle only to pick up toward the end. I was expecting something of the nature of Ursula Laguinn's Wrinkle in Time and was somewhat disappointed.
MarkNolan | 5 andre anmeldelser | Nov 29, 2015 |
The Theory of Everything is a cute little young adult book about a girl who loves the 80s music and just happens to have a shaman panda.

I love this book; it doesn't pretend to be any more than what it is. I love Sophie Sophia and Finny. They were great people, completely believable.

I recommend that fans of young adult read this cute novel as soon as they can!
Tarklovishki | 5 andre anmeldelser | Oct 31, 2014 |
When I started reading The Theory of Everything, I didn't realize what I was getting into. I expected something a little sweet, maybe a nice coming of age novel (I had completely missed the whole fantasy/SF bit). But what I got was so much better. Kari Luna's book is the story of Sophie, who sees things that aren't there (sort of, it's complicated and I don't want to ruin the joy of finding out what's really going on). She's trying to adjust to the fact that she might be crazy, because she's like her dad (and her dad up and left her and her mother) and he might've been crazy, too. The Theory of Everything isn't about being crazy. It's about friendships, love, family, believing in one's self and the panda-verse. And, honestly, I'm not sure what else a book needs.

I was pleasantly surprised by how wonderful this novel is. I basically devoured it, because once I started reading (and realized what was going on, at least to some extent), I couldn't stop. Luna's novel, somewhat like the title, does have everything in it, at least everything I wanted from it. I laughed and cried and I will be buying myself a copy of this, because I just can't not own it.
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callmecayce | 5 andre anmeldelser | Aug 8, 2013 |
I went into The Theory of Everything hoping that I'd find a charming, contemporary read that would make me smile. Of late, I've been reading a lot of paranormal books, and was kind of tired of them so wanted something that would do a complete 360*. Thankfully, that's exactly what I got from this book: while having quite a lot of scientific talk - physics, to be exact - I was utterly charmed by the main character, Sophie, and the cast of characters that surrounded her throughout her journey.

This book was very different than anything I'd ever read. Sophie, our main character, sees things that others can't see, which obviously causes problems for her and her mother. Her "mental illness" has resulted in suspensions/expulsions from school and several moves to different locations where her mom hopes they can start over with a clean slate. Having settled this time 50 miles north of Chicago, Sophie is hoping that her "episodes" will stop and she can finally have a normal life. While in her new town of Havencrest, Sophie befriends an absolutely amazing character named Finny, develops a crush on Kerouac-reading Drew, and gets a visit from her shaman panda, Walt.

Part of the craziness of this book is the fact that the reader isn't really sure if Sophie is indeed hallucinating or if she's actually traveling to various parallel universes. Deciding that she cannot keep living like this, Sophie and Finny travel to New York, where Sophie hopes to speak with her father, who suffered from the same problems. What results is a cross-country journey into personal introspection, sort of a road trip without the road. Throughout it all is Finny, possibly the awesomest best friend of all time, who - instead of telling Sophie she's crazy - decides that this is one heck of a journey and that he will go with her every step of the way.

While Sophie's journey is equal parts strange, amusing, emotional and downright heartbreaking in places, it was actually Finny who made this book for me personally. He had all of these really great lines, and just really seemed to get Sophie and what she needed each step of the way. He was equal parts physics-obsessed and happiness-inducing, not only for Sophie, but also for the reader. Honestly I don't think this book would have been half as good as it was without him, and I can only wish I had a Finny of my very own. Seriously, you should read this book just for him!

The Theory of Everything is a fantastic contemporary read with a twist. There is a lot going on in this book, from Sophie's episodes, to trying to fit into a new place, to dealing with family secrets, drama, and first crushes. If you're charmed at all by the synopsis or the cover (seriously, this has the perfect cover!), then pick it up because I don't think you'll be disappointed. I had a ton of fun with this one, and would definitely recommend it!

An e-galley was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
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ahandfulofconfetti | 5 andre anmeldelser | Jul 28, 2013 |




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